Articles: 'a', 'an', 'the' - LearnEnglish - British Council
We use a / an – the indefinite article – when we talk about something for the first time, or something that is part of a group or type. I saw a good film yesterday. Do you want a drink? We use a when the word that follows it begins with a consonant sound. We use an when it's followed by a vowel sound. This makes pronunciation easier.
A/an and the - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
They are a type of determiner and they go before a noun. A/an before a noun shows that what is referred to is not already known to the speaker, listener, writer and/or reader (it is the indefinite …
A/an, the, no article – the use of articles in English
Choose a/an, the or no article to complete the following sentences. 1 We bought some cheese and ham. cheese was delicious. 2 It's interesting book. 3 There was document on the table. 4 Experts say that coffee can be good for your health. 5 I don't have car. 6 Can you pass me water? 7 president visited our school. 8 My father is police officer.
How to use articles (a, an, the) in English - Oxford House
2022年2月15日 · In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Today we’re going to look at what these are, the differences between them and when to use them – or not, in some cases. Let’s go! What is an article? Articles are a type of determiner. They function like adjectives, as they modify the noun in the sentence.
The indefinite article: 'a' and 'an' - LearnEnglish - British Council
We use the indefinite article, a/an, with singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to: Police are searching for a 14-year-old girl. We also use it to show that the person or thing is one of a group: She is a pupil at London Road School.
Articles Exercises (A, An, The) – Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced
Instructions: Put the correct article (a, an, the, or nothing) into the paragraphs below. If an article is not needed, then select the blank option. Students, if you'd like to study the rules of English articles, then please read my explanation for beginner students. (Remember, if no article is needed, then select the blank option).
"A" vs. "An" - When to Use - Grammar.com
Writers sometimes confuse the use of the articles a and an. We were all taught that a precedes a word starting with a consonant and that an precedes a word starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y). Here’s the secret to making the rule work: The rule applies to the sound of the letter beginning the word, not just the letter itself.
Indefinite Articles: A and An - Grammarly
2021年2月10日 · The indefinite article an is used to make pronunciation easier when reading a text aloud. The general rule is to use a when the indefinite article precedes a word beginning with a consonant sound and an when it precedes a word starting with a vowel sound.
How to Use Articles in English Correctly (A, An, and The)
2016年5月4日 · Articles are used to help us separate (or understand) new vs. old information. They help us understand specific vs. general information. And they help us understand if you are talking about many vs. all vs. one. (You will learn more about this in the text you’ll read below.)
Articles A, An, The: Rules [with Examples and Exercises!]
What are “a” and “an”? “A” and “an” are the two forms of indefinite articles in English. They are used when you are talking about something non-specific or for the first time. I saw a cat in a tree. (Any cat in any tree, not specific) She wants to buy an expensive car. (Any expensive car, not a specific one) When to use “a” and “an”?