A-Lin - Wikipedia
Lisang Pacidal Koyouan, better known by her stage name A-Lin (Chinese: 黃麗玲; pinyin: Huáng Lìlíng), is a Taiwanese singer and songwriter of Amis descent. She made her debut in February 2006 under Avex Taiwan with the studio album Lovelorn, Not Guilty.
A-Lin - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-Lin(阿美語: Lisang Pacidal Koyouan ,1983年9月20日 — ),漢名黃麗玲,臺東 阿美族,臺灣 華語流行音樂著名女歌手,出生於高雄 苓雅。 曾數次入圍臺灣 金曲獎 ,並多次受邀在重要頒獎典禮上獻唱。
A-Lin - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2008年8月15日 · A-Lin (阿美语: Lisang Pacidal Koyouan,1983年9月20日 —),汉名 黄丽玲, 台东 阿美族, 台湾 华语流行音乐 著名女歌手,出生于 高雄 苓雅。 曾数次入围台湾 金曲奖,并多次受邀在重要颁奖典礼上献唱。 2023年以专辑《LINK》获得 第34届金曲奖 最佳华语女歌手奖。 1999年,A-Lin在 南投 教 921地震 受灾儿童吟唱圣诗〈奇异恩典〉时被她的前经纪人Jason发掘 [2];中华医专时期常参加歌唱比赛,毕业后开始在台南驻唱,跑遍高雄台南台中台北 …
A-Lin - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2008年8月15日 · A-Lin (阿美語: Lisang Pacidal Koyouan,1983年9月20日 —),漢名 黃麗玲, 臺東 阿美族, 臺灣 華語流行音樂 著名女歌手,出生於 高雄 苓雅。 曾數次入圍臺灣 金曲獎,並多次受邀在重要頒獎典禮上獻唱。 2023年以專輯《LINK》獲得 第34屆金曲獎 最佳華語女歌手獎。 1999年,A-Lin在 南投 教 921地震 受災兒童吟唱聖詩〈奇異恩典〉時被她的前經紀人Jason發掘 [2];中華醫專時期常參加歌唱比賽,畢業後開始在台南駐唱,跑遍高雄台南台中台北 …
Singer | A-Lin - moc.gov.tw
Born in Kaohsiung and raised in Taitung, A-Lin is a member of the Amis tribe, one of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. A-Lin loved to sing from a young age. Despite her father’s opposition to her becoming a singer, she would secretly sign up for singing competitions.
A-Lin官方專屬頻道 - YouTube Music
Lisang Pacidal Koyouan, better known by her stage name A-Lin, is a Taiwanese singer and songwriter of Amis descent. She made her debut in February 2006 under Avex Taiwan...
A-Lin (黃麗玲) - MyDramaList
A-Lin is a Taiwanese aboriginal singer and songwriter of Amis descent. She made her debut in the world of music at the end of 2006, achieving rapid commercial success. In 2015, A-Lin participated in the third season of I Am a Singer and came in sixth place.
A-Lin Profile and Facts (Updated!) - Kpop Profiles
A-Lin (黃麗玲) is a Chinese solo artist under Sony Music Taiwan. She debuted at the end of 2006 with her first album “Lovelorn, Not Guilty”. – Her nationality is Taiwanese. – She is of Amis descent. – She has an older sister, model Lea Huang and an older brother (non-celebrity). – She has a daughter, Huang Qiaoyu. – She’s been called the next A-Mei.
A-Lin - 怀音街 - huaiyinjie.com
简介:黄丽玲(A-Lin),1983年9月20日出生于台湾省台东市,台东阿美族原住民,中国台湾流行乐女歌手。 1999年,黄丽玲在南投教921地震后的小朋友们唱诗歌时被经纪人发现。
A-Lin - NamuWiki
2025年2月10日 · Ai-Lin is a Taiwanese female singer who appeared after Peng Ga-Hye appeared in Season 1, and her position has a strong perception that she is a self (GEM), such as appearing in Season 2. Survived from the first airing until just before extinction. [2]