A solis ortus cardine - Wikipedia
"A solis ortus cardine" (Latin for "From the Pivot of the Sun's Rising") is a Hiberno-Latin poem by Coelius Sedulius (died c. 450), recounting Christ's life from his birth to his resurrection. Its 23 verses each begin with a consecutive letter of the Latin alphabet, making the poem an …
A solis ortus cardine - Hymnary.org
Authoritative information about the hymn text A solis ortus cardine, with lyrics, PDF files, printable scores, and MIDI files.
A solis ortus cardine : The Hymns of the Breviary and Missal : …
Cardine, lit., a hinge, also in astron. a pole: cardo mundi, cardo cœli. A solis ortu usque ad occasum laudabile nomen Domini (Ps. 112, 3). “The Blessed Creator of the world assumed a servile body, that by flesh, He might liberate flesh, lest He lose those whom He had created.” Servile corpus: formam servi accipiens (Phil. 2, 7).
A Solis Ortus Cardine - Tradition in Action
A Solis Ortus Cardine is a devout Latin poem celebrating the birth of Our Lord. With pious reverance and poetic paradox, the singer meditates on Our Lord's Incarnation within the immaculate temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A solis ortus cardine (From lands that see the sun arise)
Authoritative information about the hymn text A solis ortus cardine (From lands that see the sun arise), with lyrics, MIDI files, printable scores, and PDF files.
A SOLIS ortus cardine - preces-latinae.org
A SOLIS ortus cardine adusque terrae limitem Christum canamus Principem, natum Maria Virgine. FROM lands that see the sun arise, to earth's remotest boundaries, the Virgin-born today we sing, the Son of Mary, Christ the King. Beatus auctor saeculi servile corpus induit, ut carne carnem liberans non perderet quod condidit. Blest Author of this ...
A Solis Ortus Cardine - Hymns and Carols of Christmas
For ecclesiastical purposes it has been broken up into two hymns, the first known as A solis ortus cardine, and the second, Hostis Herodis Impie, with the Roman Breviary form of the same, Crudelis Herodes, Deum. Following the order of this arrangement, the details are:—
A solis ortus cardine - Wikisource
A solis ortus cardine Adusque terre limitem Christum canamus principem Natum Maria virgine. Beatus auctor seculi Servile corpus induit, Ut carne carnem liberans Non perderet, quos condidit. Caste parentis viscera Celestis intrat gratia, Venter puelle baiulat Secreta, que non noverat. Domus pudici pectoris Templum repente fit Dei, Intacta ...
Hymn • “A Solis Ortus Cardine” (In English)
2019年12月31日 · What has become known as a Christmas hymn is the section called “A Solis Ortus Cardine.” The Brébeuf hymnal has a bunch of different versions of this hymn. Here is one example, found on page 12:
GregoBase - A solis ortus cardine - selapa.net
A solis ortus cardine Version. Solesmes 1961; Usage. Hymnus; Sources. The Liber Usualis, Solesmes, 1961, p. 400; Liber antiphonarius, Solesmes, 1960, p. 266; Download ...