Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Wikipedia
The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin - turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In …
A-10攻击机 - 百度百科
A-10攻击机(英文:A-10,绰号:Thunderbolt II,译文:雷电II,常被美军昵称为疣猪“Warthog”或简称猪”Hog”,通称:费尔柴尔德A-10“雷电Ⅱ”攻击机),是美国一型单座双引擎攻击机。 [1] …
A-10雷霆二式攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-10雷霆Ⅱ (英文: Thunderbolt II)是 美國 費爾柴德公司 生產的一種單座雙引擎 攻擊機,負責提供對地面部隊的密接支援任務,包括攻擊敵方戰車、武裝車輛、砲兵陣地及重要地面目標等 …
Everything You Need to Know About the A-10 'Warthog' …
2022年8月10日 · Developed during the Cold War to tear through Soviet tanks trying to make their way through the Fulda Gap between East and West Germany, the A-10 was a vital component …
A-10 Thunderbolt II - Northrop Grumman
Jet aircraft built for the Air Force for air support of troops, attacking armored vehicles, and providing quick-action against enemy ground forces.
A-10 'Warthog' Thunderbolt II - Military.com
Affectionately called the “A-10 Warthog” for its aggressive look and often painted with teeth on the nose cone, the A-10 Thunderbolt II is the U.S. Air Force’s primary low-altitude close air...
A-10C Thunderbolt II > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The A-10C offers excellent maneuverability at low airspeeds and altitude while maintaining a highly accurate weapons-delivery platform. They can loiter near battle areas for extended …
Logitech G Astro A10 Gen 2 Cross-Platform Wired Gaming …
Logitech G Astro A10 Gen 2 Cross-Platform Wired Gaming Headset for PlayStation 5/4, Xbox S|X, Nintendo Switch, PC: 3.5mm Headphone Jack, 32mm Drivers, Flip-to-Mute Mic, Over-Ear …
A-10雷电二式攻击机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月19日 · A-10雷电Ⅱ (英文: Thunderbolt II)是 美国 费尔柴德公司 生产的一种单座双发动机 攻击机,负责提供对地面部队的密接支持任务,包括攻击敌方战车、武装车辆、炮兵阵 …
A-10 雷电II 攻击机 性能参数 - 爱空军 iAirForce
A-10 雷电II 攻击机 性能参数 飞机几何数据 机长 16.26米(53英尺4英寸) 机高 4.47米(14英尺8英寸) 翼展 17.53米(57英尺6英寸) 机翼面积 47.0平方米(506平方英尺) 机翼展弦比 …