Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Wikipedia
The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin - turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog". [3] .
A-10C Thunderbolt II > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The A-10C Thunderbolt II is the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are simple, effective and survivable twin-engine jet aircraft that can be used against light maritime attack aircraft and all ground targets, including tanks and …
A-10攻击机 - 百度百科
A-10攻击机(英文:A-10,绰号:Thunderbolt II,译文:雷电II,常被美军昵称为疣猪“Warthog”或简称猪”Hog”,通称:费尔柴尔德A-10“雷电Ⅱ”攻击机),是美国一型单座双引擎攻击机。 [1] A-10攻击机依靠强大的火力专门对地攻击,是美国空军现役唯一一种负责提供对地面部队的密集支援任务的型号,包括攻击敌方坦克、武装车辆、重要地面目标等 [2]。
A-10雷霆二式攻擊機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-10雷霆Ⅱ (英文: Thunderbolt II)是 美國 費爾柴德公司 生產的一種單座雙引擎 攻擊機,負責提供對地面部隊的密接支援任務,包括攻擊敵方戰車、武裝車輛、砲兵陣地及重要地面目標等。 此外也有一部分負責提供前進空中管制,導引其他攻擊機對地面目標進行攻擊,這些戰機編號為 OA-10。 其官方名稱來自於二戰時密接支援上有出色表現的 P-47雷霆式戰鬥機,但相對於雷霆這個名稱而言,美軍更常暱稱其為“ 疣豬 ”(Warthog)或簡稱“豬”(Hog)。
A-10 Thunderbolt II - Northrop Grumman
Primary Function: A-10 — close air support, OA-10 - airborne forward air control. Contractor: Fairchild Republic Co. (FRC acquired in 1987, now part of Northrop Grumman ISER) Power Plant: Two General Electric TF34-GE-1 00 turbofans. Thrust: 9,065 pounds each engine. Wingspan: 57 feet, 6 inches (17.42 meters) Length: 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 meters)
A-10雷电二式攻击机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月19日 · A-10雷电Ⅱ (英文: Thunderbolt II)是 美国 费尔柴德公司 生产的一种单座双发动机 攻击机,负责提供对地面部队的密接支持任务,包括攻击敌方战车、武装车辆、炮兵阵地及重要地面目标等。 此外也有一部分负责提供前进空中管制,制导其他攻击机对地面目标进行攻击,这些战机编号为 OA-10。 其官方名称来自于二战时密接支持上有出色表现的 P-47雷电式战斗机,但相对于雷电这个名称而言,美军更常昵称其为“ 疣猪 ”(Warthog)或简称“猪”(Hog)。
A-10C THUDERBOLT II > 175th Wing > Display
Mission A-10 Thunderbolt IIs have excellent maneuverability at low air speeds and altitude, and are highly accurate weapons-delivery platforms. They can loiter near battle areas for extended periods of time and operate under 1,000-foot ceilings (303.3,
服役了40多年,只有2个型号?A-10“疣猪”攻击机的兄弟们 - 知乎
Aircraft: A-10C THUNDERBOLT II - Holloman Air Force Base
2023年1月12日 · The A-10C Thunderbolt II is the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are simple, effective and survivable twin-engine jet …
The A-10C Warthog Gets New Upgrades To Be Ready To
2019年9月10日 · The A-10C Thunderbolt II, affectionately known by its pilot as “Warthog”, will get a new major upgrade trough the A-10 Common Fleet Initiative, that will keep it in the U.S. Air Force inventory...
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