What does it mean when your A1c is 16? - Answers
2023年9月6日 · I've had an A1C of 16. That means your blood sugars averaged 485. Normal is down in the low 100's. 485 means you could have easily peaked at 800 or more like I did. Home glucose meters do not test ...
A1C: Everything You Need to Know - Diabetes Daily
2023年6月23日 · An appropriate A1C goal for many nonpregnant adults is “<7 percent (53 mmol/mol) without significant hypoglycemia.” Providers might reasonably suggest more stringent A1C goals (such as 6.5 percent) for selected individual patients if this can be achieved without significant blood sugar lows or other adverse effects of treatment.
Convert Blood Sugars: HbA1c, eAG, mmol and mg/dL - Diabetes …
16.5 You can use the calculators on this page to convert HbA1c and estimated average blood sugars. You can also convert from mg/dL, the measurements used in the USA, and mmol which is used by most of the rest of the world.
Does Mounjaro alone work to lower blood sugar? - Diabetes Daily
2025年2月4日 · In 4 months my A1C went from 10.9 to 5.4 when I added Mounjaro. I was on 2000 Metformin a day which didn’t seem to help. My stomach was always a mess though so I stopped Mounjaro. My appetite came back. Started again on 2.5 mg per my dr. He told me to stay on Metformin but I decided to stop it. Side effects are 90% better.
Fasting Glucose vs. A1c | Diabetes Daily Forums
2023年8月16日 · Fasting glucose 108 Hemoglobin A1c 5.4 Hoping that someone could help me understand why my fasting glucose is high, but my A1c is in a very healthy range. Any thoughts or recommendations for further reading are welcomed. Thank you for your time!
A1C/Blood work and insurance | Diabetes Daily Forums
2017年12月17日 · I had two A1C tests two days apart (2nd test verified “D”) and then another test a month later. Three months later another A1C. My next test is scheduled 6 months out from the last test. I have Kaiser HMO. Not all insurance coverage are the same. Actual policy coverage can vary with same company. Sent from my iPhone using Diabetes Daily
Highest A1c | Diabetes Daily Forums
2017年10月16日 · Just out of curiousity, What is the highest a1c you ever had? At my diagnosis I had 11.1%
16 Apps for Managing Diabetes: Blood Glucose Trackers, Food and ...
2024年1月25日 · For example, a review published online in March 2018 in the journal Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism combined the results of 16 trials of type 2 diabetes apps and found that, on average, those who used one saw a 0.57 percent drop in hemoglobin A1C, the average of blood sugar levels over the span of three months.
A1c | Diabetes Daily Forums
2024年1月24日 · But really, my TIR is a harsh 80-140 (it shows it on my chart), my A1c rocks and you pumpers are satisfied with out-of-range. Try harder pumpers, (noooo pumpers say to themselves, I don’t want to be bothered with the stupid T1. I’m better than that - WHOOPS NO! yes I take many more injections that the pumpers / day. BUT MY A1c SAYS IT ALL.
What blood sugar level do complications begin at?
2021年10月4日 · Per my endo, the A1c is a loose average predictor of BS levels up to 90 days. if you really want to know what BS levels for the past 2-4 weeks, have your doc order up a Fructosamine draw. And don’t be bragging about A1c levels …