18F-labeled anti-human CD20 cys-diabody for same-day …
In CD20-negative limited disease (A20) [18 F]FDG detects lymphoma lesions in the liver (Fig5a). [18 F]FB-GAcDb shows no nonspecific uptake in antigen negative metastases in the liver but targets CD20-expressing B-cells in the spleen and lymph nodes (Fig5a).
A20-H11-hCD19/hCD20-Luc - 南模生物
Fig1. hCD19/hCD20 expression on in vitro cultured cells of A20-hCD19/hCD20-Luc. Cre-ERT2在无Tamoxifen诱导的情况下,在细胞质内处于无活性状态;当Tamoxifen诱导后,Tamoxifen的代谢产物4-OHT(雌激素类似物)与ERT结合,可使Cre-ERT2进核发挥Cre重组酶活性。 常见的基因工程小鼠可以分为两种命名方式,包括基因定点修饰的小鼠命名,比如:敲除、敲入、点突变等等,和随机转基因的小鼠命名。
Lymphoma depletion during CD20 immunotherapy in mice is …
The ability of CD20 mAbs to deplete B-lymphoma cells in a syngeneic mouse model was first assessed using BALB/c mice that received a transplant of the A20 mature B-cell line on day 0 followed by CD20 or control mAb treatment on day 1.
A20: from ubiquitin editing to tumour suppression - Nature
2010年4月12日 · In this Review we summarize the evidence linking chronic inflammation with tumorigenesis and consider how A20 modulates inflammatory signalling cascades, thereby providing a mechanism to explain...
CD20(Cluster of Differentiation 20)是MS4A家族的一员,由297个氨基酸组成的磷蛋白,具有4个跨膜结构域,在B细胞发育中起关键作用。 在血液、扁桃体、阑尾、淋巴结和脾脏等多组织表达,正常脑组织和一些免疫细胞上检测不到表达。 CD20敲除小鼠与同窝野生型小鼠一样茁壮成长和繁殖,在其出生后第一年未出现任何明显的解剖或形态学异常,或对感染的易感性。 CD20没有已知的天然配体,其功能是实现最佳的B细胞免疫应答,特别是针对T细胞非依赖性抗原。 …
Preclinical Study of a Novel Tri-Specific Anti-CD3/CD19/CD20 T …
2020年11月5日 · CMG1A46 is a 151 KD IgG-like "1:(1+1)" tri-specific antibody constructed on Chimagen's TRIAD platform. It simultaneously targets CD3 on T cell and two different biomarkers - CD20 and CD19 (abundancy of which proven to be intact post CD20-targeted treatment) - on tumor cells, recruiting T cells to kill tumor cells expressing CD19 and/or CD20.
CD20 - 百度百科
The regulation and function of CD20: an “enigma” of B-cell …
Herein, we review the current understanding of CD20 function, and the mechanisms of its regulation in normal and malignant B cells, highlighting the therapeutic implications. The approval of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab by the Food and Drug Administration in 1997 was a conceptual breakthrough in the treatment of B-cell malignancies.
18F-labeled anti-human CD20 cys-diabody for same-day …
Both tracers ([18 F]FB-GAcDb and [18 F]FBEM-GAcDb) specifically target human CD20-expressing B cells in transgenic mice. Fast blood clearance results in high contrast PET images as early as 1 h post injection enabling same-day imaging.
A20-hCD20 (Tg)_GemPharmatech
流式检测A20-hCD20 (Tg)细胞中hCD20的表达。 江苏集萃药康生物科技股份有限公司成立于2017年,是一家专业从事实验动物小鼠模型的研发、生产、销售及相关技术服务的高新技术企业。