Airbus A318 - Wikipedia
The Airbus A318 is the smallest and least numerous variant airliner of the Airbus A320 family. The A318 carries 107 to 132 passengers and has a maximum range of 5,750 kilometres (3,100 …
空中客车A318 - 百度百科
A318在2个级别客舱配置下可以搭载109名乘客,A318可提供最大起飞重量(MTOW)59吨-68吨,最大巡航距离2,750公里(1,500海里)-6,000公里(3,250海里)的不同配置。 A318 …
Airbus A318 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The A318 has a very wide cabin that allows for high-density single-class seating for a total of 129 passengers. Other aircraft that offer mixed-class seating provide only 99 economy seats, …
Airbus A318 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Airbus A318 is a two-engined short- to medium-range narrowbody airliner with a capacity of maximum 136 Passengers produced by the European manufacturer Airbus S.A.S.. The A318 …
空中客车A318基本数据 - 百度知道
2024年7月4日 · a318可容纳107名乘客,货舱容积为21.21立方米,能够承载一定的货物运输。 空机重量为39,300千克,而最大起飞总重则可达68,000千克,确保了足够的载重能力。
Airbus A318 - Airport Technology
The A318, which has a very wide cabin for its class of airliner, has more than 95% commonality with other members of the A320 fly-by-wire family of aircraft. The cabin width of 3.70m allows …
A318 aircraft - A318 range, specifications (dimensions, seating ...
Takeoff weight choices of up to 66 metric tonnes provide airlines with greater operating flexibility and higher loads in operating the A318, with a maximum flight range of 2,800 km. Designed to …
AIRBUS A-318 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Medium Range passenger jet manufactured by Airbus. The A318 is the shorter variant of the A320 family of aircraft. 2 x CFM 56-5B (98kN) turbofans.
Airbus A318 Specs, Range, Seats, and Price - Airplane Update
It is equipped with a fuel tank with a capacity of 23,860 l, so the aircraft has a range of 2,800 km with a maximum number of passengers. The A318 cabin is the widest cabin in a single aisle …
Airbus A318 - Airliners.net
Compared with the A319, the A318 is 4.5 frames shorter, reducing standard two class seating from 124 to 107. The A318's other significant new feature will be its powerplant, the newly …