A319 MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft - Naval Technology
2010年10月28日 · The A319 MPA is a long range maritime patrol and ASW aircraft developed by Airbus Military. The aircraft can be deployed in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, …
A319 MPA - Wikipedia
A319 MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft、海上哨戒機)は エアバス が提案している 哨戒機。 同社の小型旅客機 エアバスA319 からの改造機である。 A319 MPAは 2003年 に イタリア と ドイツ に提案された海洋ソリューションに類似しており、それではカヌーフェアリングに 爆弾倉 とミサイル・ハードポイントが収容されていた。 しかし、 インド が潜水艦の探知・攻撃能力を要望したため、爆弾槽は貨物室、ミサイル・ハードポイントは主翼に移動された。 非定期的なエ …
Airbus A319 - Wikipedia
The Airbus A319 MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) is a military derivative of the Airbus A319. Development was announced in 2018 [28] by Airbus Defence and Space [29] to compete against the Boeing P-8 Poseidon, which is a derivative aircraft of …
Airbus A319 MPA | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Airbus A319 MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) is derived from a military version of the civilian airliner Airbus A319. Currently, it is in development by Airbus Military to compete against the Boeing P-8 Poseidon, which is a derivative aircraft of the Boeing 737 manufactured in …
A319 MPA Pocket-Guide
The A319 MPA is a long range anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft. A proven open architecture mission System, that includes a set of state-of-the-art multi-mission sensors coupled with enhanced communication equipment allows the aircraft to conduct its mission in a Network Centre (NC ...
西班牙的A319 MPA海上巡逻飞机_从远古走来的魁戈_新浪博客
2012年7月12日 · A319 MPA是一项长程海上巡逻和反潜飞机由空中客车军事发展部开发。 可以部署在反潜和反水面作战,情报,侦察和监视等任务的飞机。 低空游荡或搜索能力,耐力和快速过境速度均为上成,使A319飞机在其范围内达到最好的海上巡逻机。 http://www.naval-technology.com/projects/a319mpa/ A319 MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft, Spain. Key Data. The A319 MPA is a long range maritime patrol and ASW aircraft developed by Airbus Military.
Airbus A319-100 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
There are four separate designs of the A319 aircraft: the A319 ACJ, which is a corporate jet version of the aircraft; the A319 Neo, which includes new engines and features such as weight savings, aerodynamic refinements, and an improved air-purification system; the A319 MPA, or Maritime Patrol Aircraft, a military version of the aircraft; and ...
Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA 2000) MPA Replacement Program
2021年3月23日 · The mission system for the Airbus A319 MPA aircraft included some of the features which would be required by the UK to carry out the roles of the MRA4, such as surveillance radar, IFF...
Future Maritime Patrol – Part 3 (Dedicated Long Range Aircraft – …
2014年1月30日 · Airbus A320/A319 MPA The EADS A320 MPA was originally proposed in 2002 in response to a German request for an ATL1 replacement, with Italy joining shortly after. The Maritime Patrol Aircraft Replacement (MPA-R) Program was supposed to deliver 24 aircraft. Airframe modifications were kept to a minimum apart from a bomb bay in the forward cargo hold.
A319 MPA Long-range Maritime Patrol |navy pictures gallery
The A319 MPA is a long-range maritime patrol aircraft and ASW developed by Airbus Military. The aircraft can be deployed in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, intelligence missions, surveillance and reconnaissance. The A319 MPA is equipped with weapons systems anti-submarine and anti-surface.
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