ECAM F/CTL page - FlyByWire Simulations
The blue and green hydraulic servo jack is unavailable. The green and blue hydraulic pressure is within normal operating range. The associated computer or actuator is failed. The …
A32NX: F/CTL ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) : r/MicrosoftFlightSim - Reddit
2023年2月27日 · Alternate Law (no protection) will happen if any of the flight computers encounters an error or is shut down. You might be disabling/enabling something you shouldn't. …
On the A320 family program, TR reference 105-1 was issued in June 2007 (fig. 3). A similar TR reference 568-1 was issued for the QRH 2.38. These TR have been incorporated in the June …
F/CTL L/R Sidestick Fault - Fenix Sim
You receive this error and flight controls may be unresponsive. To resolve this fault, open the MCDU Menu and go to the Config menu. Select Controls Config and change to page #2. From …
A320系列 飞控常见排故经验总结A320系列机务在线 - 认真、负责 …
2015年8月30日 · 某a320飞机航前apu起动好后ecam出现警告信息:f/ctl flap sys 1 fault。 伴随故障信息:SFCC 1 21CV。 本机对调SFCC1和SFCC2后故障转移,复位SFCC2更换SFCC1 , …
2024年5月16日 · 2019年8月29日A320飞机航前出港进入跑道后机组反馈按压起飞构型测试不通过,ECAM有信息F/CTL PITCH TRIM/MCDU/CG DISAGREE。 协调机组重新输入无燃油重量 …
A320系列 飞控常见排故经验总结 - 机务在线 - Powered by Discuz!
2017年2月9日 · 某A320飞机航前APU起动好后ECAM出现警告信息:F/CTL FLAP SYS 1 FAULT。 伴随故障信息:SFCC 1 21CV。 本机对调SFCC1和SFCC2后故障转移,复 …
A320 ECAM FLT CTL PAGE - AviationHunt
The A320 ECAM F/CTL page with its parameters is described in the image above as follows: 1: Spoilers status (left) 2: Hydraulic system pressure indication; 3: Spoilers status (right) 4: FCDC …
Version 1.1 Caution: "F/CTL slats fault" during startup engine …
2024年11月18日 · In verion 1.1 during startup engine number 2, on ECAM appears caution: "F/CTL slats fault" and then immediately disappears. Look at the photo at attachment. This …
空客F/CTL FLAP SYS FAULT排故隔离汇总A320系列机务在线 - 认真 …
2017年7月29日 · 机务在线a320系列热门机型维修经验讨论区空客f/ctl flap sys fault排故隔离汇总 设为首页 收藏本站 微信登录 帐号登录 立即注册