TCAS - FlyByWire Simulations Documentation
2025年3月2日 · The Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is a system available on aircraft that helps to reduce the risk of airborne collisions. In general, commercial airliners operating …
ATC TCAS Panel - FlyByWire Simulations Documentation
The aircraft has two ATC transponders (XPDR) which are controlled by a control panel (ATC/TCAS) on the center pedestal. Only the selected XPDR operates. The XPDR …
flying TCAS RAs. The AP/FD TCAS mode is a vertical guidance mode built into the Auto Flight computer. It controls the vertical speed (V/S) of the aircraft on a vertical speed target adapted …
A320的两种TCAS - 哔哩哔哩
Let us take the example of an A320 (medium weight/CG, selected speed 300kt) climbing to FL130 with a rate of climb of 2800ft/min, while an A340-600 (light weight/medium CG, selected speed …
飞行员必知:A320 TCAS系统深度解析 - 百家号
320机型ATC面板存在三种不同版本,如下图中所示。 上图所示的ATC面板版本可能让人混淆,因此需仔细辨别。 特别是要注意区分STBY: TCAS和ATC在备用方式下的不同,以及XPNDR: …
A320 Flight Deck Overview - FlyByWire Simulations Documentation
4 天之前 · The A320 Flight Deck Overview is providing an interactive graphical overview of the A320neo flight deck and its systems.
A320 ATC/TCAS PANEL - AviationHunt
The Airbus A320 has two ATC transponders (XPDR) which are controlled by a control panel (ATC/TCAS) on the center pedestal. Only the selected XPDR operates. The XPDR …
TCAS 基本介绍及模拟飞行应用 - 飞行教程 - VATSIM 中国分部论坛
2023年2月27日 · 机载防撞系统II(ACAS II),又被称为空中防撞系统 (TCAS)的引入是为了减少飞机之间的空中碰撞或接近空中碰撞的风险。 不论任何间隔标准,它是最后的防撞手段。 …
【A320】TCAS - 360doc
随着新技术的应用,部分A320系列飞机在TCAS冲突时将具有使用AP/FD执行TA/RA机动的能力。 当触发TA条件时,AP/FD TCAS模式预位。 此方式告知飞行员AP/FD TCAS模式是可用的, …