RMP3 (if installed) is able to control VHF and HF transceivers through RMP1 and RMP2 even when either of the latter is OFF. When the pilot presses one of these keys: The ACTIVE window displays the frequency set on that radio. The STBY/CRS window displays the selected standby frequency or course. The selected key displays a green monitor light.
ATA 23: Airbus A320 (Technical Notes) - AviationHunt
2024年3月11日 · VHF is used for all short-range voice communications between different aircraft in flight or between the aircraft and ground stations. Optionally, aircraft can have the VHF Data Link (VDL) system, to communicate via the data mode (data communication), in addition to the voice mode (voice communication).
Hoppie ACARS - FlyByWire Simulations Documentation
Realistic datalink communication simulation (VHF+VDL3) Simulation of FANS-A+ and FANS-B+ with automatic mode selection based on logon-code of ATC Station identifier
三个VHF天线功用A320系列机务在线 - 认真、负责、细致 我们秉承 …
VHF3 is on voice : r/flightsim - Reddit
During yesterdays flight on MSFS (FlyByWire A320N) I’ve realized „VHF3 voice” message on upper ECAM display. Could someone please provide assistance in order to make this message go away? Thanks in advance, Press the VHF3 button on the radio panel. Then press the frequency swap button.
A319 QUICK REFERENCE CHECK LIST REV. 06 ENGINE TAILPIPE FIRE Internal engine fire may be encountered during engine start or engine shutdown. It may be seen by the ground crew, or the EGT may fail to decrease after the
Vpilot COM2 Transmit : r/VATSIM - Reddit
2024年3月26日 · For reference this is flying the FBW A320N, which according to their documentation page supports transmit on VHF 1-3 in MSFS2020. I have a throttle button bound to PTT in vpilot. There isn't really a practical reason for this but it should work and so it would be nice to establish how it works.
Flight plan equipment methodology - IVAO Documentation Library
Flight plan equipment list is letter F (ADF), G (GNSS), L (ILS), O (VOR), R (PBN), V (VHF), /C (Mode C transponder). The equipment to be inserted into flight plan item 10 is SFGR/C. Remember not to insert O, L & V with the use of letter S. …
ATC Panel not working in A320 v2 since SU15 - PC & XBOX
2024年5月27日 · The black rotating knob below VHF button in used for receiving but not transmitting and if you want to transmit you activate the VHF1 button. So in order to use the ATC you need to activate VHF1 (left click) button and the receiver knob (right click)
aircraft/fbw-a32nx/docs/a320-simvars.md at master - GitHub
The VHF 3 standby frequency for the left RMP. A32NX_RMP_R_VHF1_STANDBY. Hz; The VHF 1 standby frequency for the right RMP. A32NX_RMP_R_VHF3_STANDBY. Hz; The VHF 3 standby frequency for the right RMP. A32NX_RMP_{L,R}_SAVED_ACTIVE_FREQUENCY_VOR. Hz; The VOR active frequency that is saved for display for the left/right RMP.