Beriev A-50 - Wikipedia
The Beriev A-50 (NATO reporting name: Mainstay) is a Soviet-origin airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft that is based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane. Developed to replace the Tupolev Tu-126 "Moss", the A-50 first flew in 1978.
A-50預警機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
A-50「熊蜂」預警機 (俄语: А-50 «Шмель»), 北約代號 「支柱」 (Mainstay),是以 伊留申-76 運輸機為基礎,由 別里耶夫設計局 生產的預警機。 A-50可控制多達10架戰鬥機,1970年代初研製1984年服役,初期型装备的“野蜂”雷达为高重复频率脉冲多普勒,采用了 S波段 的发射机,发射功率20千瓦。 雷达天线由平行开缝波导堆叠而成具较大外形尺寸,整體大小比美國 E-2C預警機 大甚多,性能上探测距离稍逊于E-2C預警機,但在地面信号反射背景下对目标的鉴定水平却 …
A-50预警机 - 百度百科
A-50预警机(英文:Beriev A-50,北约代号:Mainstay,译文:“支柱” [11])是20世纪80年代苏联研制列装的大型预警机。 A-50预警机机长46.59米、翼展50.5米、机高14.76米、最大起飞重量190吨;安装4台涡扇喷气发动机、实用升限11000米、最大速度800千米/小时、最大航程6400千米、续航时间4小时;预警设备由三维坐标雷达、显示和储存系统以及数字通信系统组成,雷达预警半径低空450千米,高空620千米,可同时跟踪50个目标,指挥12架战斗机作战 [17]。 A-50预 …
A-50 Mainstay Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft …
2000年11月7日 · The A-50 aircraft detects and identifies airborne objects, determines their coordinates and flight path data and transfers the information to command posts. The A-50 also acts as a control centre, guiding fighter-interceptors and tactical air force aircraft to combat areas in order to attack ground targets at low altitudes.
Beriev A-50 Mainstay - GlobalSecurity.org
The A-50 Mainstay is a Russian airborne warning and control system aircraft based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane. Russia adopted the aircraft in 1984, and the Air Force...
A-50 Beriev Mainstay - Army Recognition
2025年1月17日 · The Beriev A-50 (NATO reporting name: Mainstay) is a Russian airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Ilyushin Il-76 transport. The A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW&C) was developed and manufactured by the Beriev Aircraft Research and Engineering Complex Joint Stock Company to …
Beriev A-50 (Mainstay) - War Wings Daily
The Beriev A-50 Mainstay is a versatile and powerful AWACS aircraft, designed to provide airborne early warning, control, and surveillance capabilities. Powered by four Aviadvigatel D-30KP turbofan engines, it offers a maximum speed of 500 mph, a service ceiling of 40,000 feet, and a range of 4,000 miles.
Beriev A-50 Mainstay - Combat - GlobalSecurity.org
2023年2月26日 · The A-50 MAINSTAY is a key enabler for Russian operations over Ukraine providing airborne early warning of threats as well as command and control functionality.
Beriev A-50 (Mainstay) - Military Factory
2022年2月28日 · The Beriev A-50 (NATO codename: 'Mainstay') serves the modern Russian Air Force in the Airborne and Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) role - commonly recognized in U.S. speak as 'AWACS'. The framework is that of the Soviet Ilyushin IL-76 'Candid' transport aircraft of the Cold War period with modifications completed by the Beriev concern to ...
Beriev A-50U Mainstay-B - GlobalSecurity.org
A-50 is able to fly at speeds up to 800 kilometers per hour for distances up to 7.5 thousand kilometers. The aircraft is capable of detecting various types of air and ground targets at...