ASTM A500 - Wikipedia
ASTM A500 is a standard specification published by the ASTM for cold-formed welded and seamless carbon steel structural tubing in round, square, and rectangular shapes. It is the most commonly specified ASTM standard in the US for hollow structural sections .
A500材质 对照中国的什么材质 - 百度知道
A500钢的抗拉强度为400MPa,屈服强度为290MPa; 对照我国牌号为:Q295B,参考标准GB/T 1591-1994 《低合金高强度结构钢》 ,Q295B是一种低合金高强度结构钢,具有较好的塑性、焊接性能和冲击韧性,冷热加工性能及低、中温性能也很好,有一定的耐蚀性。
A500 Steel | ASTM A500 | Square Tubing Strength - Totten Tubes …
Totten Tubes offers A500 structural steel tubing in a range of sizes and shapes. The ASTM A500 specification covers cold-formed welded and seamless. and “special” carbon steel shapes for welded, riveted, or bolted construction applications, as well as for general structural purposes.
ASTM A500 规格|A500 B、A 与 C、D 级钢管(B 级与 C 级对比)
ASTM A500 是美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)颁布的一项重要标准,规定了 ASTM A500 的化学成分、机械性能以及检验和包装要求。 ASTM A500 要求结构钢管由符合特定化学成分和机械性能要求的碳钢制成。 这有助于确保钢管能够在各种工程环境中承受适当的负荷和压力。 ASTM A500 包括两种主要 制造工艺:冷弯焊接和无缝生产。 冷成型焊接是将平板弯曲成管状,然后通过焊接将其连接起来。 另一方面,无缝钢管是直接成型的,无需焊接。 这些不同的生产工艺可以灵活 …
A500 Grades B and C Structural Tubing Steel - Metals USA
Metals USA carries a full assortment of ASTM A500 in all of the standard sizes and thicknesses including both pipe and tube. A500 Grades B and C are employed in applications where strength, structural efficiency, savings in weight, and added durability are important.
Designation: A500/A500M − 21a Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes1 This standard is issued under the fixed designationA500/A500M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last ...
ASTM A500 Grade B 对应国标牌号 是什么? - 钢材知识问答系统│ …
ASTM A500 Grade B属于冷成型焊接与无缝碳素结构钢管标准,主要用于建筑、桥梁等结构领域。 国内Q295B和Q345B均为低合金高强度钢,但Q345B的碳含量和合金元素更高,焊接性能和强度更优,可能需通过调整工艺(如热处理)匹配ASTM标准。
ASTM A500 Steel: Uses, Grades & Mechanical Properties
2025年2月5日 · ASTM A500 Grade B vs Grade C We have not discussed Grade A of the ASTM A500 steel grades, because it is not as prominent as Grade B and C are due to its lower mechanical properties. Let us compare Grade B and Grade C, in more detail in this section:
What is A500 GRC made of - Knowledge - chinaweldedpipes.com
2025年3月13日 · A500 GR.C (often written GRC) is a material grade of carbon steel square/rectangular tubing for structural use in the U.S. Standard, which belongs to high-strength cold-formed steel tubing under the system of ASTM …
ASTM A500 Grade C Structural Steel Tubing Specification
2024年8月22日 · ASTM A500 Grade C is a widely used cold-formed seamless and welded carbon structural steel pipe. Grade C has the highest mechanical properties of the three ASTM A500 grades, with a minimum tensile strength of 425 MPa and a minimum yield strength of 345 MPa.