AEK-971 - Wikipedia
The AEK-971 (Russian: Автомат единый Кокшарова 971, "Automatic (rifle), Universal, (of) Koksharov, 971) is a selective fire 5.45×39mm assault rifle that was developed at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant (KMZ) by chief designer Stanislav Ivanovich Koksharov (Cyrilic: Станислав Иванович Кокшаров), also ...
俄罗斯轻A-545/A-762突击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗武器
虽然A545所采用的平衡动作后坐原理在连发射击中效果很好,但据说AK-12的射击性能也更好,军事装备委员会的副主席奥列格·博奇卡廖夫(Oleg Bochkarev)在2014年底接受塔斯社采访时曾透露,AK-12中选的机会更多一些,虽然AK-12的性能和A-545很接近,但更容易制造 ...
A-545 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The A-545 (GRAU index 6P67) and the related A-762 (GRAU index 6P68) are Russian assault rifles. The A-545 was announced as a successor line of sorts to the AEK-971 and AEK-973 assault rifle lines...
The Russian Balanced-Action A545 Rifle In Action
2015年8月17日 · In an era of reduced budgets for the Russian military, this tilts the balance in favor of the AK-12 for adoption as the next Russian standard issue rifle, but the benefits of the A545 are hard to ignore, and it is a reasonable prediction that it will see increased use with Russian special operations units.
Russia’s Rare A-545 In Ukraine – The Armourers Bench
2023年4月16日 · The Russian A-545 is perhaps the rarest of assault rifles in use in Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion last year there have only been a handful of sightings of the rifle which features an internal recoil mitigation system.
AEK971 ——〖枪炮世界〗
捷格佳廖夫工厂对AEK-971作进一步改进后,重新命名为A545和A762。 AEK-971最主要的特点是采用了称之为平衡动作(balanced action)原理的回转式闭锁枪机系统。
A545 “6P67 KORD-5,45” assault rifle and A762 “6P68 KORD-7,62” …
The KORD-5,45 assault rifle / A545 assault rifle is a gas operated weapon with balanced action. The A762 rifle is mechanically similar to the A545 but is adapted for the 7.62x39mm ammunition and uses magazines, compatible with 7.62mm Kalashnikov ( AKM , AK-103 ) rifles.
轻武器科普之A-545/A-762突击步枪——生平波涛起伏 - 哔哩哔哩
虽然A545所采用的平衡动作后坐原理在连发射击中效果很好,但据说AK-12的射击性能也更好,军事装备委员会的副主席奥列格·博奇卡廖夫(Oleg Bochkarev)在2014年底接受塔斯社采访时曾透露,AK-12中选的机会更多一些,虽然AK-12的性能和A-545很接近,但更容易制造 ...
欧洲近现代步枪 71 俄罗斯A-545/A-762突击步枪 - 知乎专栏
根据2014年底的测试计划结果,宣布a545 / 6p67和a762 / 6p68突击步枪顺利通过测试,并被推荐用于批量生产和扩展军事测试。 2018年,根据军事试验结果,6P67和6P68突击步枪正式推荐俄罗斯部分特种部队采用,而AK-12( 6P70 )和AK-15( 6P71 )突击步枪则被推荐用于普通 ...
如何客观评价A545/762突击步枪? - 知乎
2018年7月14日 · A545的未来是用6mm arc子弹,18寸枪管,打1000米以内的目标。 有皮轨,可以用前握把伸缩脚架。 折叠托便于携带。 用70发以上的弹鼓,也可以用弹匣,做类似于81班机的角色。 可以当步枪,直接战斗。 可以有依托当机枪用。 加镜当精确射手步枪。