如何评价索尼新机A7C? - 知乎
如果a7c的视频有提升,那得看提升到了多少,是s5的水平还是只给个4k60p? 作为一个消费者,我意淫的索尼新机应该是这样的: 一款入门级全画幅微单,基于A6100的操控和外形,A7M3的传感器和性能,机身卖到一万以内去和RP\Z5抢市场。
仅拍照,买a7c还是a7c2? - 知乎
a7c还是a7c2都是背照式传感器,索尼a7c2和A7M4使用的是同款传感器,都是3300万像素,除了分辨率高一点,其它方面a7c还是a7c2两者没有什么差别。 对焦方面如果只是拍照,a7c也完全够用了,不要去纠结什么AI智能对焦,对于大多数日常用户来说基本用不到。
索尼A7C2对比A7C提升了哪些性能? - 知乎
a7c2相比a7c在使用体验上的提升是非常大的,尤其是你还要拍拍视频的,那a7c2肯定是更好的选择。 单从操控来看,A7C2就比A7C人性化很多了。 增加了前拨轮,操控也比较合理了,不需要像一代那样调个参数还要进菜单。
索尼A7m3和A7c,二选一,怎么选? - 知乎
索尼A7m3和A7c,二选一,怎么选? - 知乎
Sony Forum - Photography - FM Forums
2024年1月7日 · Apparently you can't use HSS with ECFS which is all the A7C has - it causes banding, and you can't use flash with Electronic Shutter at all. Searching the interwebs I've seen sporadic conflicting information as to whether in practice you might be able to use HSS at certain shutter speeds, so I was wondering if anyone here has tried to use the ...
日常家庭使用,拍照为主,选择 a6700 还是 A7C - 知乎
2023年7月30日 · a7c+351.4GM 前提是拥有一个大光圈镜头,上图背景是不锈钢护栏,现场非常丑,经过虚化之后稍微可以接收了。 如果问任何一个摄影人,都会说全画幅是最终归宿,因为相对的优点实在太多了。
Sony Forum - Photography - FM Forums
2024年1月2日 · Until the summer, I had a Sony A7 III for almost six years. Then it suffered water damage during the summer vacation and I quickly bought a Sony A7C as a replacement. Unfortunately, the Sony A7c no longer has a fully mechanical shutter. But only a mechanical shutter with a first shutter curtain and an electronic shutter.
A7C: is the EFCS a problem? - Sony Forum - Photography - FM …
2024年10月24日 · However, on the A7C don't forget that you have the option to use the electronic shutter instead. There is only a problem if both EFCS and electronic shutter are unsuitable for the subject matter. Oof. I thought these were the same! How was electronic shutter different than EFCS? And could I solely rely on the former? Oct 25, 2024 at 06:17 AM
A7c II + Samyang V-AF lenses, thoughts?
2024年9月10日 · That's why I'm considering the smaller A7c II line with these lenses. And considering it's APS-C and I use f1.4 - 1.2 lenses it means the DoF is about f1.8 - 2.1 on full frame, so about the same, except for light gathering but full frame has a bigger sensor so it evens out (probably even better).
Sony Forum - Photography - FM Forums
2024年2月11日 · A7C II EVF remarks from DPR: 'Another upgrade that improves usability is Sony's move from a 0.59x magnification electronic viewfinder to one that is 0.7x. The a7C II still uses a 2.36M dot panel, though, which is a bit underwhelming.