LTV A-7 Corsair II - Wikipedia
The LTV A-7 Corsair II was a carrier-capable subsonic attack fighter. It was a derivative of the Vought F-8 Crusader, an earlier fighter; compared to the Crusader, it had a shorter, broader fuselage, and a longer-span wing but without the Crusader's variable-incidence feature.
LTV A-7D Corsair II - National Museum of the USAF
The A-7D demonstrated its outstanding ground attack capability flying with the 354th Tactical Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, during the closing months of the Southeast Asia War.
A-7海盜二式攻擊機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
A-7海盜二式攻擊機 (英語: A-7 Corsair II)是一種以 F-8戰鬥機 為藍本開發,用以取代 A-4天鷹式攻擊機 的次音速輕型 攻擊機。 A-7雖然原本僅針對美國海軍航艦操作而設計,但因其性能優異,後來也獲 美國空軍,及 美國空軍國民警衛隊 部隊接納使用,以取代 A-1天襲者攻擊機 、北美 F-100 及共和 F-105 戰轟機隊。 自1970年到1980年底為止,本型攻擊機亦外銷希臘、葡萄牙與泰國,用作陸基攻擊機。 A-7攻擊機除了機體設計源自於 F-8十字軍超音速戰鬥機 之外,他也是第 …
记忆中的战斗机7|A-7海盗Ⅱ - 知乎专栏
F-8“十字军战士” 是美国海军首款超音速战斗机, A-7“海盗Ⅱ” 是一款单发轻型攻击机。 将他们联系在一起,不仅因为两者曾长期并肩战斗,还因为A-7是由F-8发展而来,题图是A-7为F-8加油。 “雁过留声、人过留名”,作为一款产量超过1500架、出口希腊等国、服役时间长达48年的经典机型,小编连载【记忆中的战斗机】怎能将其忽略? 上篇介绍了“瘦哥哥”F-8“十字军战士”,本篇为您介绍“胖弟弟”A-7“海盗Ⅱ”攻击机。 有了A-6为什么还要A-7? |不同于A-4、A-6的差异化选择. A-7 …
A-7攻击机(英语:A-7 Attack Aircraft [1],绰号:CorsairⅡ,绰号译文:海盗Ⅱ),是20世纪60年代美国凌·特姆科·沃特公司以 F-8战斗机 为基础改进研制的一种舰载攻击机,用以取代 A-4攻击机。 A-7攻击机的气动布局与F-8战斗机相似,加大机翼翼展、缩短机身、增加挂架,将推力较大的涡轮喷气发动机换成推力较小但耗油率较低的涡扇喷气发动机,还更换电子设备,使一架M2.0级的战斗机演变成一架高亚音速、航程远、载弹多的舰载攻击机。 A-7攻击机的研制周期不 …
A-7D Corsair II - AF
The A-7D is a single-seat, tactical close air support aircraft. Although designed primarily as a ground attack aircraft, it also can be used in air-to-air combat. It was derived from the basic A-7 originally developed for the U.S. Navy.
A-7 Corsair II of the U.S. Air Force and Navy: photographs, history ...
The Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) A-7 Corsair II is a carrier-capable subsonic light-attack aircraft. The A-7 airframe design was based on the successful supersonic Vought F-8 Crusader. The A-7 offered a wide range of leading-edge avionics compared to contemporary aircraft.
LTV A-7 Corsair II Carrier-Borne Strike Aircraft - Military Factory
2023年9月28日 · Developed as a successor to the Douglas A-4 "Skyhawk" series of carrier-based strike fighter, the LTV A-7 "Corsair II" entered service with the United States Navy (USN) during the Vietnam War (1955-1975) in 1967.
A-7 Corsair II - GlobalSecurity.org
The A-7 Corsair II is a single-place, fighter-attack airplane that can perform a variety of missions including close-air support, long-range strike and interdiction, coastal defense and ...
A-7D - Glen L Martin Muse 1
It was named after the Vought F-4U Corsair, one of the best fighter planes of WW II. The A-7 was a highly innovative aircraft, incorporating the latest in avionics including data link capabilities that provided fully “hands-off” carrier landing capability when used in conjunction with its “auto throttle.”