Mitsubishi A7M - Wikipedia
Work on the 17-Shi was further delayed by factories prioritizing A6M and Mitsubishi G4M medium bomber production as well as further work on A6M variants and addressing Raiden issues. As a result, the 17-Shi, which became the A7M1, officially flew for the first time
烈风战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年9月22日 · 在十七试舰战(a7m1)原型机机翼内设置整体式燃料箱,总容量910升,最后在a7m2改为机身驾驶舱之间后部700升自封燃料箱和机翼内的普通防弹燃料箱(各容量105升)。但肇因于a7m2出力更强的mk9a引擎消费燃料量也比誉发动机更大,必须在左右主翼底部加装400升 …
三菱A7M - 百度百科
A7M“烈风”是三菱重工业公司在 第二次世界大战 末期为 日本海军 研制的全金属结构单座舰载/陆基战斗机(A7M1、A7M2 和 A7M3)及陆基截击机(A7M3-J)。 原计划用于取代三菱A6M零式舰载战斗机“。 三菱A7M的性能目标是实现超越零速的速度,爬升能力,潜水能力和武器强度以及更好的机动性。 为了补偿重量增加,其总体比例显着大于其前身。 A7M的盟军代号是“Sam”。 “烈风”在整个二战期间只生产了 10 架。 [1]
烈風戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
a7m1比起a6m5零戰52型大得多也重得多,翼展14米,機翼面積30.84平方米,滿載荷重量達到4,410公斤。 1944年5月6日,A7M1的原型機由志賀淑雄少校進行了首次試飛。
二战军机大全——日本海军战斗机(二) - 知乎专栏
2024年5月7日 · 1939年3月23日,一架零式战斗机原型机被拆开,装上两辆牛车,行驶约25英里至日本角原海军基地,将于4月1日在那里进行首飞,第二架原型机于1939年10月25日交付,随即1940年7月31日第一架生产型下线。 服役后的零式战斗机获得了飞行员的高度赞誉,称其为飞行性能最好的飞机,1940年8月19日,少量零式战斗机在中国战场第一次投入战斗,在近一年的作战中击落了中国空军的44架军机,而自身在空战中无一损失。 1941年12月,108架零式战斗机参 …
A7M Reppu | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2008年5月11日 · The A7M Reppu may have had lower performance due to several things, one being differences in propeller design. The Japanese seemed to use shorter props, as on the Raiden, than we did. That will affect speed and climb. Also, it is possible they weren't using quite the same octane fuel as the US Navy was using.
Mitsubishi A7M Reppu / SAM - fighter - aviastar.org
A cantilever low-wing monoplane with retractable tailwheel landing gear, the A7M1 soon revealed excellent flight characteristics, but as predicted by Mitsubishi the type's maximum speed on the power of the installed Nakajima NK9K Homare 22 engine was below specification.
War Machines Drawn: Mitsubishi A7M Reppū
The aircraft was delayed further when Mitsubishi's factories prioritized production of the Zero and the G4M bomber as well as addresing issues on the Raiden. Due to those factors, the 17-shi, which became A7M1 flew officially for the first time on 6th May 1944, as late as four years after the development started.
Warplanes of Japan: Mitsubishi A7M Reppu - silverhawkauthor.com
Work on the 17-Shi was further delayed by factories prioritizing A6M andMitsubishi G4M medium bomber production as well as further work on A6M variantsand addressing Raiden issues. As a result, the 17-Shi, which became the A7M1,officially flew for the first time on 6 May 1944, four years after developmentstarted.
Mitsubishi A7M Reppū - Axis and Allies Paintworks
2012年3月13日 · Proposed land-based interceptor version powered by a 2,200 hp (1,600 kW) turbo-supercharged Mitsubishi Ha-43 engine including an inter-cooler, with a maximum speed of 648 km/h (402 mph).