Sony a7R III Overview - Digital Photography Review
2017年10月25日 · The Sony a7R Mark III is a full-frame mirrorless camera that uses a 42.4MP stabilized BSI CMOS sensor. The Mark III has numerous improvements over its predecessor, many of which are borrowed from the flagship a9.
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SONY Alpha 7RⅢ - 百度百科
SONY Alpha 7RⅢ内置约4240万有效像素35毫米全画幅Exmor R CMOS背照式影像传感器,具备在AF/AE追踪模式下最多10张/秒的高速连拍功能,同时支持4K视频录制、拥有15级的宽广动态范围/宽容度、高感光度低噪点,搭载约369万像素高亮度的Quad-VGA OLED电子取景器。
Sony a7R III Mirrorless Camera: 42.4MP Full Frame High …
Thanks to an evolutionary leap in image processing power and efficiency, the a7R III combines a high resolution 42.4 MP back illuminated Exmor R CMOS image sensor with impressive shooting speeds at up to 10 fps with full AF/AE tracking, as well as beautiful 4K HDR video quality, wide 15 stop dynamic range and high sensitivity with noise reductio...
Sony α7R III - Wikipedia
The Sony α7R III (model ILCE-7RM3) [2] is a full-frame mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera manufactured by Sony. It was announced on 25 October 2017 as the successor to the Sony α7R II launched two years prior. The camera shares many features with the α7R II, including the same 42.2 MP resolution for still photography.
搶鮮測試!Sony A7R III大量實拍與外觀介紹! - Mobile01
2017年12月6日 · a7riii新的電子觀景窗與a9相同,具備368萬點、1280 x 960解析度的液晶螢幕,放大倍率為0.78倍。 你也可以像A9一樣更改EVF中的畫面更新率,預設是60fps,如果拍攝的物體移動速度快,需要更敏銳的畫面反應,你也可以設定為120fps。
A7R3/ A7RIII 開箱+日本實拍分享 - Mobile01
2017年11月25日 · 相近的價錢 (日本價位),同樣破4千萬畫素,也成為了大家茶餘飯後的話題。 是的! A7R3繼承A9的優化! 該給的全給了,還直接連USB3.1-TYPE-C都給了! 但細節更是改善許多!!! 相信台灣的攝友們在發表會上也能更直接的體驗, 下列就由小弟開箱分享這份喜悅! 然後再打開一層,就跟健達出奇蛋一樣層層給你驚喜,馬上能看到背帶~這次的送的相機背帶真的很不錯。 然後翻起每一個蓋子後,可以見到,A7R3機身/充電器/電池。 跟A9一樣的大電池!! 這是大家最期 …
Sony a7R Mark III review: Digital Photography Review
2017年11月22日 · Much like Nikon's recent D850, it's one that combines this resolution with high speed and fast autofocus capabilities to a degree we've not previously seen. Like its predecessor, the Mark III is built around a 42MP BSI CMOS sensor, but unlike the a7R II, it can shoot at ten frames per second.
如何评价索尼微单A7RIII(A7R3)? - 知乎
a7riii是索尼首款支持4k hdr视频拍摄的相机,也是继fdr-ax700之后索尼第二款支持4k hdr视频拍摄的民用级产品。 对于有这方面需求的视频团队来说,设备成本可以得到进一步降低。
Sony a7R III Specs - Digital Photography Review
2017年10月25日 · Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
Sony - Alpha 7R III Full-frame Interchangeable Lens 42.4 MP ... - Best Buy
The A7RIII has a 42 mp sensor with 425 autofocus points. The A7III may perform slightly better in low light at higher ISOs than the A7RIII. The A7RIII has pixel-shift multi-shoot mode for added sharpness and detail when shooting still objects, etc. If you need the ultimate in resolution and plan to create very large photos, the A7RIII has the ...