Scope* 1.1 This specification covers material, geometric, and wall section properties of steel box culverts manufactured from corrugated plate or sheet, with or without attached stiffeners, for field iLssembly. Appropriate fasteners and optional materials such as steel invert plates and headwalls are also described.
ASTM A964-2017 - 道客巴巴
2017年5月9日 · 内容提示: Designation: A964/A964M − 17Standard Specif i cation forCorrugated Steel Box Culverts 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation A964/A964M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript ...
ASTM A964/A964M-23-波纹钢箱涵标准规范-国家数字标准馆
ASTM A964/A964M-23波纹钢箱涵标准规范1.1 本规范涵盖了由波纹板或钢板制成的钢制箱涵的材料、几何和墙截面财产,无论是否带有附加加劲肋,均用于现场组装。 还介绍了合适的紧固件和可选材料,如钢制仰拱板和端墙。 钢箱涵的应用包括用于地表水重力流排水的导管,如涵洞和雨水沟,以及用于小桥和立交结构,如人行或车辆地下通道和公用工程隧道。 1.2 本规范不包括对基础、回填的要求,也不包括覆土或活荷载与强度要求之间的关系。 这些重要的设计注意事项 …
Seiko A964-4A00 Watch Guide
The Seiko A964-4A00 is a watch model based on the A964 movement.
Omafreight | A964 OUG in Omafreight's colours and now
A964 OUG in Omafreight's colours and now
5.1.2 ASTM designation and year of issue, as A964- for inch-pound units or A964M- for SI units, 5.1.3 Number of structures, 5.1.4 Nominal dimensions of each structure including the rise, span, length (measured along the bottom centerline), and …
ASTM A964/A964M-96 波纹钢箱涵标准规范 标准
2025年1月25日 · 钢箱涵的应用包括用于地表水重力流排水的管道,例如涵洞和雨水渠,以及小型桥梁和立交结构,例如行人或车辆地下通道和公用设施隧道。 1.2 本规范不包括对地基、回填土或土层或活荷载与强度要求之间关系的要求。 这些重要的设计考虑因素在 AASHTO LRFD 桥梁设计规范、美国习惯单位 (LRFD) 桥梁设计规范、SI 单位中进行了描述。 1.3 本规范不包括这些结构的水力设计要求。 FHWA HDS No. 5 中描述了水力设计、基础或倒置的放置以及抗冲刷的端部 …
Volvo F10 (A964 OUG). | Dublin Port Rally 2014. D McGrath 19
2014年9月28日 · Dublin Port Rally 2014. D McGrath 1984 Volvo F10 Intercooler (A964 OUG) at the Dublin Port 28th September 2014.
- 查看次数: 2754
A964/A964M Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel Box …
1.1 This specification covers material, geometric, and wall section properties of steel box culverts manufactured from corrugated plate or sheet, with or without attached stiffeners, for field assembly. Appropriate fasteners and optional materials such as steel invert plates and headwalls are also described.
ASTM A964/A964M 波纹钢箱盖标准规格 - 标准全球搜
ASTM A964/A964M《Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel Box Culverts》This specification covers material geometric and wall section properties of steel box culverts manufactured from corrugated plate or sheet with or without attached stiffeners for field assembly.