[Android/安卓]Google原生代码崩溃符号生成的问题 - CSDN博客
2021年6月24日 · 这里主要解决Android Gradle 插件版本 4.1 或更高版本时添加位置的解决. 开发文档中说需要添加这行代码到 build.gradle 文件中. 但直接添加会报错,需要这样添加. buildTypes { release { ndk { debugSymbolLevel = 'FULL'//或者 'SYMBOL_TABLE' gradle编译完成后打包一个release版本带签名包,然后在这个位置下找到原生代码崩溃符号的一个压缩包: app/build/outputs/native-debug-symbols/variant-name/native-debug-symbols.zip. 如果打包的 …
[Android] How to upload native deubg symbols to playstore?
2023年2月28日 · I'm trying to upload debug symbols to playstore. I've tried 2 different approaches but none of them worked. If your project builds an Android App Bundle, you can automatically include the native debug symbols file in it. To include this file in release builds, add the following to your app's build.gradle file: debug {
Unity - Manual: Android symbols
If you’re producing an Android App bundle (aab), you can embed symbols directly into an aab and upload it to Google Play. Note: Unity doesn’t embed symbols into an apk.
应用程序包包含本机代码,我找不到调试符号.zip-腾讯云开发者社 …
2021年3月11日 · 要检查在Google上启动混淆文件之前是否添加了混淆文件,请创建一个新的签名包.aab文件。 在Android中,当创建文件时,会出现一个类似于此的小弹出。
aab 安装报so找不到的问题 (apk正常) - CSDN博客
2023年1月11日 · 总结经验,安装aab,不同的系统会报不同的错,有的是报找不到so,有的是报资源不对,有的是报so库里面有问题,我们先多用不同手机测试,然后从简单错误上手解决,最后再去解决难的问题。
Android — Native (JNI) APK如何上傳Debug Symbol File
2020年10月16日 · With a few steps, you can generate and upload a native debug symbols file for your app. This file enables symbolicated native crash stack traces (that include class and function names) in Android...
How to add debug symbols to build.gradle - Stack Overflow
2020年8月12日 · There's two places in the app/build.gradle where you can specify bundling of debugging symbols with your app. If you use android.defaultConfig.ndk.debugSymbolLevel it will apply it to all build types (i.e., both debug and release builds).
Build Play Asset Delivery and missing symbols.zip? - GitHub
2020年11月10日 · When we build an Android App Bundle (AAB) file, we first create an Android Player in a temporary location. In the case of IL2CPP builds, a symbols.zip file may be created alongside the temporary file. Since symbols.zip files can be helpful for debugging crashes, we now relocate the file alongside its corresponding AAB output file.
Our AAB file has symbol files with no debugging information
2024年7月29日 · Android: You can now embed Debug symbols into an app bundle (e.g., in the Build Settings window, choose Debug Symbol > level and format to IncludeInBundle) when uploading .aab files to the Google Play Store. The symbols are uploaded together with aab, which means you don’t need to upload the symbols separately.
App Bundle contains native code, I Can't Find debug symbols .zip
2021年3月12日 · I was previously using Android Studio 4.2.1 but was sticking to older versions of CMake and NDK and used Gradle Plugin 4.2.1. To make the debug symbols to be generated I updated all my build.gradle files and now the android application bundle (AAB) looks different as it did before and the native-debug-symbols.zip was also not generated on my ...