Towed Array Sonars: Captas’ Naval Edge - Thales
CAPTAS solutions have been precursors in this field and are today the undisputed leaders of the market. With more than 80 systems ordered or in service today, the CAPTAS products are praised by the leading ASW Navies in the world for their unique ASW performance and reliability that is key given the harsh operating conditions of this kind of ...
美国海军接收AAC隐形潜艇探测器声呐 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年3月7日 · 据防务博客网3月6日报道,泰雷兹子公司Advanced Acoustic Concepts(AAC)为美国海军 星座级导弹护卫舰 交付了首套 CAPTAS-4 可变深度声呐。 主承包商 芬坎蒂尼马里内特海军陆战队 (FMM)于2022年5月授予了该合同,此前海军结束了雷神公司的 AN/SQS-62 可变深度声 …
Thales successfully delivers the first CAPTAS-4 sonar for the US …
2024年2月29日 · Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), a subsidiary of Thales, has delivered the first CAPTAS-4 sonar for the U.S. Navy’s Constellation class Frigates (FFG). Prime contractor Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) awarded the contract in May 2022.This delivery demonstrates the efficiency and the expertise of Thales’ solutions and services.
Thales Started Production of CAPTAS-4 Sonar for US Navy
2023年1月14日 · The decision to procure CAPTAS-4 – which is being supplied to shipbuilder Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) through Thales-owned Advanced Acoustic Concepts – came after the US Navy decided to end development of the Raytheon AN/SQS-62 Dual-mode Array Transmitter (DART) VDS, and cancel the anti-submarine warfare (ASW) mission module ...
Thales Successfully Delivers the 1st CAPTAS-4 Sonar for the US Navy
2024年3月6日 · Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), a subsidiary of Thales, has delivered the first CAPTAS-4 sonar for the U.S. Navy's Constellation class Frigates (FFG). Prime contractor Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) awarded the contract in May 2022.
Thales acquires full ownership of Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC)
2022年7月27日 · Thales subsidiary TDSI has acquired full ownership of AAC, their joint venture with Leonardo DRS. TDSI serves the defense, federal, and commercial markets as a US provider of mission-critical systems, providing innovative solutions for the ground tactical, airborne and avionics, naval/maritime, and security domains.
First CAPTAS-4 variable-depth sonar delivered to Constellation …
2024年3月6日 · The first CAPTAS-4 variable-depth sonar (VDS) transmitter has been delivered to the US Navy’s Constellation-class frigate programme by Thales subsidiary Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), Thales announced on 29 February 2024.
Thales delivers first CAPTAS-4 sonar for the US Navy’s frigates
2024年3月4日 · Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), a subsidiary of Thales, has delivered the first CAPTAS-4 sonar for the U.S. Navy’s Constellation class frigates (FFG). Prime contractor Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) awarded the contract in May 2022. The CAPTAS-4 variable depth sonar (VDS) has completed all the milestones in the program established with FMM.
US Navy Receives Stealth Sub Detector Sonar - The Defense Post
2024年3月6日 · Thales subsidiary Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC) has delivered the first CAPTAS-4 variable-depth sonar for the US Navy’s Constellation-class guided-missile frigates. Prime contractor Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) awarded the contract in May 2022 after the navy ended Raytheon’s AN/SQS-62 variable-depth sonar development , which was to ...
Thales completes delivery of 1st Captas-4 sonar system to US Navy
2024年2月29日 · According to a PR published by Thales on February 29, 2024, the company, through its subsidiary Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC), has completed the delivery of the first CAPTAS-4 sonar system to the U.S. Navy, as part of the technological enhancements for the Constellation class frigates.