Autoclaved aerated concrete - Wikipedia
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is a lightweight, prefabricated concrete building material. Developed initially in the mid-1920s, it has expanded into widespread use. [citation needed] . It is most suitable for producing a lightweight or most cost-effective alternative to traditional concrete blocks and clay bricks. [1] .
Jetway Building Material Limited | YTONG
Created in the beginning of the 20th century in Europe, today Ytong AAC is one of the world’s leading brands of building materials and is presented all around the globe. But no matter how diverse the applications, they all have one thing in common: the …
Homepage - Ytong Caucasus
Ytong is a German brand with 100 years of experience in producing autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). Its products have many advantages compared to standard blocks. Ytong is the first in the world to produce high-tech building materials.
Ytong Airblock Technical characteristics
Solid wall made of Ytong provide an effective sound insulation that meets standard requirements. AAC allows the diffusion of vapor which helps moderate moisture levels within a building. Thus a comfortable and healthy room climate is achieved. Structures built with Ytong AAC are durable and will not degrade under normal atmospheric conditions.
History of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - Aircrete Europe
2018年9月26日 · At the beginning of the 1990s, the first AAC plant based on a tilt-cake technology (Ytong) was supplied to China. From that point onwards, technology outflow became widespread and as of 2014, there are more than 3,000 AAC production facilities worldwide with an estimated production capacity of 450 million m3 per year of non-reinforced blocks.
After 1975, Ytong produced a new type of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete block without using Alum Slate, thus the effects from radioactive radon gas, that was there in earlier products was eliminated. Brikolite AAC blocks, follows the same process of manufacturing.
AAC Technology – Ytong Egypt
Producing a complete AAC solution is the next step towards the market expansion and increasing market share of AAC as a building material. Investments in innovative plant upgrades and new plants with modern AAC technology are essential to …
Wehrhahn AAC aerated concrete plants - Wehrhahn GmbH
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) blocks and panels Building for the future with many positive characteristics. AAC is a high-quality light-weight, load-bearing and extremely well insulating building material produced as standard blocks, mega blocks or panels.
YTONG | Archify Hongkong
YTONG is an international brand of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) under the XELLA Group of Germany, which the leader of AAC wall solutions of energy efficient and sustainable buildings. Its AAC building materials have been widely used in …
AAC NZ LTD - ytong.co.nz
AAC was established in NZ by Friedrich Koch in 2005 under the original brand name of YTONG, which was developed in Sweden in 1929. What is AAC? AAC stands for autoclaved aerated concrete (autoclaved means steam hardened). Thanks to German technology it has turned into a worldwide success.