Anterior accessory saphenous vein - Wikipedia
The anterior accessory saphenous vein is a special anterior tributary of the great saphenous vein (GSV), draining the antero-lateral face of the thigh. It becomes very often insufficient, causing important varicose veins with an autonomous course and often is …
What a phlebologist should know about the anterior
The anterior accessory saphenous vein (AASV) is not only a tributary of the saphenofemoral junction, but it is one of the saphenous trunks, situated in its own saphenous compartment in the thigh, lateral to the great saphenous vein (GSV). Incompetence of the AASV, often without GSV incompetence, is found in about 10% of limbs with varicose veins.
Anatomy of the lower-limb venous system and assessment of …
Dec 26, 2015 · The anterior accessory saphenous vein (AASV), sometimes called the anterolateral thigh vein, drains flow from the anterior and lateral aspect of the knee and lower thigh and runs across the anterior aspect of the thigh into the SFJ . However, it can sometimes join the GSV at a variable level below the junction.
The anterior saphenous vein. Part 1. A position statement …
Identifying the truncal saphenous vein responsible for a patient’s symptoms helps determine the primary routes of venous reflux, allowing a more targeted and effective treatment strategy.
The anterior saphenous vein. Part 2. Anatomic considerations in …
Mar 20, 2024 · The term Anterior Accessory of the Great Saphenous Vein suggests this is a branch tributary vein despite this vessel’s anatomic features of a truncal vein. A multisocietal group suggested to designate this the anterior saphenous vein (ASV). This study was aimed to evaluate its ultrasound anatomy in normal and varicose limbs.
Combined Treatment of the Anterior Accessory Saphenous Vein …
Jul 7, 2022 · The anterior accessory saphenous vein (AASV) is a common source of primary and recurrent lower extremity varicose veins. Reflux in the AASV can occur independently or simultaneously with great saphenous vein (GSV) reflux.
The anterior saphenous vein. Part 4. Clinical and technical ...
The decision to treat a refluxing anterior saphenous vein (ASV) should be a clinical decision based on the assessment on the ASV’s contribution to patient’s signs and symptoms. Once the decision to treat has been made, there are anatomic, clinical, and technical considerations in treatment planning.
The anterior saphenous vein. Part 1. A position statement …
Nov 23, 2023 · Properly identifying the AASV’s role as a truncal vein is essential in developing a targeted and effective long-term intervention plan. Precise diagnosis and treatment planning ensure that interventions are appropriately targeted and resources are efficiently utilized.
the terminology of the Anterior Accessory Saphenous Vein (AASV). Although use of the word “accessory” implies that the vein is a superficial tributary, its anatomic features, accepted treatment approaches, and clinical outcomes after treatment clearly support its
The anterior saphenous vein. Part 1. A position statement
Based on the insights gathered from the literature review and extensive discussions, the panel recommends changing the terminology such that the "anterior accessory saphenous vein" (AASV) now be designated the anterior saphenous vein (ASV).