Barnard AAUP condemns in the strongest possible terms the new “Barnard College Expectations for Community Conduct” issued on September 11, 2024. Designed without community input, issued without warning, and as vast as they are vague–these “expectations” create a pretext for a dangerous infringement on freedom of expression and ...
阿拉伯美国大学 - 百度百科
阿拉伯美国大学(Arab American University),简称“AAUP”,前为“AAUJ”,是巴勒斯坦第一所私立大学,成立于2000年,与斯坦尼斯劳斯县的加利福尼亚州立大学(CSU)和洛根的犹他州立大学(USU)合作。
Barnard professors revive AAUP chapter amid concerns of …
2024年2月29日 · Barnard professors have initiated the first steps in reactivating an American Association of University Professors chapter at the college to better protect the right to academic freedom, amass more resources for organizing, and stand in solidarity with professors nationwide.
阿拉伯美国大学 - 杰宁 : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details - QSChina
Arab American University (AAUP) is the first private Palestinian university, founded in year 2000, in a collaboration with California State University (CSU) in Stanislaus and Utah State University (USU) in Logan.
The First Private University In Palestine | Arab American University
At AAUP, we provide world-class facilities that support academic excellence. Our campuses in Jenin and Ramallah feature modern classrooms, advanced labs, research centers, and high-tech libraries. With vibrant student spaces and recreational areas, we offer an inspiring environment for learning, innovation, and growth.
Facts and figures | Arab American University - aaup.edu
Facts and Figures booklet contains the main information, facts and statistics about AAUP for 2024/2025 academic year are highlighted, such as the university's academic programs, scientific research by the faculty members and students, premises and …
论美国学术自由的组织与制度保障--AAUP及其关于学术自由和终 …
2016年7月12日 · 1940年,AAUP和AAC再次联合召开大会,会后联合发表原则声明,对 1915年的声明进行补充性说明,特别强调大学和学院的教师在社会中的特殊地位所赋予的特殊责任, 教授在行使学术自由权利的时候,不要忘记公众可能根据其言论来判断其所在的专业和学校。
Barnard and Columbia AAUP chapters call for ‘immediate vote’ …
2025年3月8日 · “By opting for escalation rather than de-escalation, and by capitulating to political pressures that the AAUP has long warned against, the President has endangered our community and interfered with the college’s educational mission,” the chapters wrote.
Edugate ( Portal ) - Arab American University ( AAUP )
AAUP serves the educational needs of over 11,300 students, among them there are 40% from Palestine and 55% from the Palestinian homeland and 5% from international countries, by providing a dynamic learning atmosphere that inspires innovation and has a primarily focus on every student’s success.
Faculties | Arab American University - aaup.edu
Success represents the pinnacle of persistence in the face of failure. So, these are the success stories we will share with you that reveal the path taken by some of our university’s graduates. An agenda to show the the important dates such as semester dates, registration, exams, activities, events, and holidays.