Jenin Campus | Arab American University
The Arab American University (AAUP) in Jenin is the first private university in Palestine, established in 2000 with a mission to provide high-quality education that bridges theoretical …
The First Private University In Palestine | Arab American University
At AAUP, we provide world-class facilities that support academic excellence. Our campuses in Jenin and Ramallah feature modern classrooms, advanced labs, research centers, and high …
Edugate ( Portal ) - Arab American University ( AAUP )
Arab American University (AAUP formerly AAUJ) is the first private Palestinian university, founded in year 2000, in a collaboration with California State University (CSU) in Stanislaus and Utah …
حرم جنين | الجامعة العربية الامريكية
الجامعة العربية الأمريكية (AAUP) في جنين هي أول جامعة خاصة في فلسطين، تأسست عام 2000 بهدف تقديم تعليم أكاديمي متميز يجمع بين الأسس النظرية والتطبيق العملي. منذ نشأتها، أصبحت الجامعة مركزًا أكاديميًا رائدًا يستقطب الطلاب من مختلف أنحاء فلسطين وخارجها، بفضل …
Programs | Arab American University - jenin.aaup.edu
AAUP ACADEMIC CALENDAR. An agenda to show the the important dates such as semester dates, registration, exams, activities, events, and holidays.
Arab American University (Palestine) - Wikipedia
The Arab American University (Arabic: الجامعة العربية الأمريكية, abbreviated as AAUP) is a private university in the West Bank, Palestine established in 2000. AAUP's main campus is located …
ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY. THE FIRST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN PALESTINE. Jenin - Palestine P.O Box 240 Jenin, 13 Zababdeh; 00970-4-2418888; 00970-4-2510810
Guidelines and Deadlines - ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY
here are some information you need to know for admission to AAUP: 1. After choosing your intended specialization you have to buy the Admission Application Card. You can get it from: …
Facilities | Arab American University - fom.aaup.edu
The Faculty of Medicine is located in the buildings of the American Arab University in Palestine, in the Jenin and Ramallah Governorates. Its main building is in the city of Jenin. The medical …
Facilities and services | Arab American University - jenin.aaup.edu
Director: Dr.Ahmad hodrob / AAUP Heart center Admin. Dr.Imad abu khader / AAUP Heart Center coordinator. Overview: AAUP Heart Center was established on October, 2016 at faculty of …