NJ AAUP – New Jersey State Conference of the American …
NJ AAUP is the New Jersey State Conference of the American Association of University Professors. We represent over 5,600 faculty members in both public and private institutions in New Jersey.
AAUP BHSNJ – American Association of University Professors …
The American Association of University Professors, Council of Chapters (the AAUP) is the professional bargaining representative for more than 1,400 faculty members and librarians of the Biomedical and Health Sciences of New Jersey (BHSNJ).
On July 1, 2020, the UPA become a subsidiary of the RWJBH (Barnabas Health System). The final agreement between Rutgers and UPA known as the “Principle Points” before this acquisition gave the union a role in negotiating clinical compensation for revenue collected after July 1, 2020.
The AAUP is working with our chapters and allies to defend and advance higher education as the Trump administration and many state governments are accelerating attacks on academic freedom, shared governance, and higher education as a …
美国历史系列79:美国大学教授协会与学术自由 | ShareAmerica
2015年7月13日 · 今年是美国大学教授协会(American Association of University Professors,简称AAUP)成立一百周年大庆,一百年前美国大学教授协会的成立,主要宗旨就是推动及保障高等院校内的学术自由。
Find a Chapter - AAUP
Below is a list of active AAUP chapters and affiliates. Chapter websites are designed and maintained by the individual chapters, and not all chapters have a website (in some cases Facebook pages or other means of contact are linked). Chapters that engage in collective bargaining are so identified by the notation (CB).
“AAUP-BHSNJ is the professional Bargaining Representative for more than 1,400 faculty members and librarians of the BHSNJ.”
St. John's University AAUP chapter - Home
The St. John's University local chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Inc., is the oldest faculty union on campus, first organized in 1961. Its work led to the historic St. John's University faculty contract of 1970-2: for the first time at a private college in the United States, faculty collectively bargained for ...
The New School AAUP
AAUP centers meaningful faculty and staff participation in decision-making processes and aims to build worker solidarity across campuses in the United States. It represents workers at universities and colleges in labor disputes and fights for economic security through direct advocacy and the creation of labor coalitions.
多元统计分析-教师数据 - CSDN博客
教师数据 (aaup.csv) 该数据来自美国大学教授协会 (AAUP) 年度普查, 包括分别按照正教授和副教授的平均工资和补贴 (1994 年) 统计的数据。 一共有13 个数量变量: ASF (正教授平均工资)、 ASA1 (副教授平均工资)、 ASA2 (助理教授平均工资)、 ASALL (所有级别平均工资)、 ACF (正教授平均补贴)、ACA1 (副教授平均补贴)、 ACA2 (助理教授平均补贴)、 ACALL (所有级别平均补贴)、 NF (正教授人数)、NA1 (副教授人数)、 NA2 (助理教授人数)、 NIN (助教人数)、 NALL ( …