Assault Amphibious Vehicle - Wikipedia
The AAV-P7/A1 is the current amphibious troop transport of the United States Marine Corps.
AAV-7兩棲突擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AAV-7兩棲突擊車 (英語: Amphibious Assault Vehicle)是 美國海軍陸戰隊 一款全 履帶 式 兩棲登陸 戰車,由FMC公司所製造。 本車現為美國海軍陸戰隊的主要兩棲兵力運輸工具,水平線外「艦—岸」登陸運動中,AAV-7扮演由兩棲登陸艦艇上運輸登陸部隊及其裝備上岸的角色;登陸上岸後,登陸部隊則將其當作一輛裝甲運兵車使用,為其提供戰場火力支援。
AAV-7两栖突击车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年12月23日 · AAV-7两栖突击车 (英语: Amphibious Assault Vehicle)是 美国海军陆战队 一款全 履带 式 两栖登陆 战车,由FMC公司所制造。 本车现为美国海军陆战队的主要两栖兵力运输工具,水平线外“舰—岸”登陆运动中,AAV-7扮演由两栖登陆舰艇上运输登陆部队及其装备上岸的角色;登陆上岸后,登陆部队则将其当作一辆装甲运兵车使用,为其提供战场火力支援。
AAV7 Amphibious Assault Vehicle - Military.com
Designed to assault any shoreline from the well decks of Navy assault ships, AAVs are highly mobile, tracked armored amphibious vehicles that transport Marines and cargo to and through hostile...
AAV7A1 Assault Amphibious Vehicle - Army Technology
The AAV7A1 family currently serves as amphibious troop transport vehicles for the United States Marine Corps (USMC). It is used to ground surface assault components and equipment of the landing forces in a single lift from assault ships during amphibious operations.
AAV7 Amphibious Assault Vehicle: The Backbone of Amphibious …
2022年7月4日 · The capacious troop compartment of the AAV7 can accommodate up to 25 marines or around 4,500 kg of supplies. The troops are seated on benches, the entry and exit being via a large rear-mounted ramp or roof hatches.
AAV7系列两栖战车 - 百度百科
AAV7车体为5083铝合金装甲板整体焊接式全密封结构,能防御轻武器、弹片和光辐射烧伤。 车体外形呈流线型,能克服3m高的海浪并能整车浸没入波浪中10~15s。
Amphibious Assault Vehicle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Amphibious Assault Vehicle, usually known as the AAV7 was once called LVTP7 by the US Marine Corps and other users. It is a bulky amphibious tracked vehicle intended to land troops on open beaches so it has to be seaworthy and is thus scaled accordingly.
Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Protection for vehicle side and slope, troop compartment overhead, and slope rack kit for sponson stowage of OEM. Attachment: boss and joint offset method. Material: homogeneous harden steel, rubber, mild steel composite. Boss offset from hull (no armor): 0.75 in per side. Maximum offset from hull: 8.50 in per side.
Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Model 7A1 (AAVP7A1)
2016年11月1日 · The AAVP7A1 is an armored assault amphibious full-tracked landing vehicle. The vehicle carries troops in water operations from ship to shore, through rough water and surf zone. It also carries...
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