Bell 212 - Wikipedia
The Bell 212 (also known as the Bell Two-Twelve) is a two-blade, twin-engine, medium helicopter that first flew in 1968. Originally manufactured by Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas, United States, production was moved to Mirabel, Quebec, Canada in 1988, along with all Bell commercial helicopter production after that plant opened in 1986. [2][3]
贝尔-212直升机 (Bell-212 Helicopter)是美国 贝尔直升机公司 在UH-1基础上发展的军民两用通用型直升机。 主要用于载客、救护、近海石油开发等任务。 民用型贝尔-212,又称“双212” (拥有双桨叶和双引擎),1981年交付中国9架。 总体布局两片桨叶旋翼,尾桨为两片桨叶,小型固定式安定面。 管状滑橇式起落架。 座舱可乘坐1名驾驶员和14名乘客。 动力装置两台1342千瓦(1825轴马力)PT6T3B6“双派克” 涡轴发动机 [2] 在贝尔205基础上拉伸机身制作出来的贝尔212,最初生产 …
Agusta-Bell AB 212 ASW - Wikipedia
L' Agusta-Bell AB 212 ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) è un elicottero antisommergibile medio biturbina con rotore a due pale, sviluppato dall' Agusta sulla base dell' AB 212, che l'azienda produceva su licenza della statunitense Bell. [1]
Misión: Helitransporte fuerzas de infantería de marina y guerra anfibia. Fabricante / País: Bell Helicopter Textron EEUU y Augusta (Italia). Tripulación: 4 (piloto, copiloto, jefe de tripulación, artillero). Capacidad: 12 PAX. / 2.270 Kg. en el gancho baricéntrico. Longitud: 17,373 m. Diámetro rotor principal: 14,630 m.
Agusta-Bell AB-212ASW | Weaponsystems.net
The AB-212ASW is a late Cold War era anti-submarine warfare helicopter of Italian origin. Is a dedicated ASW helicopter based on the Bell 212 airframe. The Bell 212 was license produced as AB-212 in Italy by Agusta.
AB 212 ASW - Marina Militare
Capable of performing ASW and ASuW missions, the AB-212 has been subjected to particular anticorrosion treatments to be employed aboard naval vessels for long periods. Mission equipment features state-of–the-art sensors and armament consisting of APS-705 radar, ASQ-13B sonar and "STAR SAFIRE II" FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red).
The Italian Air Force Bids Farewell To The AB-212 Helicopter
2024年2月22日 · A medium helicopter with a two-bladed rotor powered by two 1,342 kW Pratt & Whitney PT6T turbines, the AB-212 is a type of helicopter derived from the 205 model from which it differs due to its...
Bell 212 - Helis.com
The Bell 212 Twin Two-Twelve is a two-bladed, twin-engined, medium helicopter developed from the Bell 205 ( Huey ) powered by a, then revolutionary, Pratt & Whitney Canada Twin-Pac …
Agusta Bell AB-212 ASW Helicopter Italian Navy Marina
Anti-submarine warfare, anti-shipping version of the AB 212 helicopter, built under license in Italy by Agusta. Operated by the Italian Navy, Hellenic Navy and Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, Peru, Spain, Turkey, and Venezuela. The AB-212ASW is a Model 212 Twin Huey with a prominent radome above the cockpit.
Agusta AB212 - Helis.com
Enhanced CSAR variant used by 9th Stormo, 21st Gruppo Italian Air Force. Shipborne based variant for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-surface warfare (ASuW) and Search and …