HVDC technology for offshore wind is maturing | ABB
2018年10月24日 · Voltage source converter technology, first launched by ABB as HVDC Light®, has been the key enabler for offshore HVDC links. By controlling voltage and frequency in the islanded offshore AC grid, the offshore converter station automatically transmits as much active power as wind farms produce to the onshore AC grid while maintaining a stable ...
Evolution of HVDC Light® | News center | ABB - ABB Group
2018年4月16日 · ABB has been pioneering the voltage source converter (VSC) for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) applications since the first installation of HVDC Light. After more than 20 projects commissioned and the uptake of commercial operation, it is now time to take the next step in power transmission capabilities, using HVDC Light with improved ...
2018年11月14日 · ABB早在1997年就首次应用了柔性直流输电(VSC-HVDC)技术,并命名为轻型高压直流 (HVDC Light®)。 该技术能控制电网潮流的流动,实现低损耗输电,并能为诸如孤岛风电场这样的弱网提供电压和频率支持。
HVDC Light® ABB has been pioneering the voltage source converter (VSC) for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) applications since the first installation of HVDC Light. After more than 20 projects commissioned and the uptake of commercial operation, it is now time to take the next step in power transmission capabilities,
HVDC Light is a new transmission technology based on voltage sourced converters and insu-lated gate bipolar transistors that extends the economical power range of HVDC transmission down to just a few megawatts.
ABB has qualified an extruded DC cable system at the 525 kV level including joints for both land and sea as well as terminations. This development is a major step in enabling the DC grid vision and for integration of energy markets and greater utilization of renewables. Table 1.
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En la actualidad, ABB recuerda con orgullo sus muchas aportaciones a la tecnología HVDC. Desde el tendido de aquel primer cable submarino de 90 kilómetros de longitud, 100 kV y 20 MW, nuestra compañía se ha con-vertido en líder mundial indiscutible del sistema de transmisión HVDC. De los 110.000 MW de capacidad de transmisión HVDC que hoy se
Improved performance and robustness, shorter lead times and faster delivery, plus reduced maintenance needs, were the development goals set by ABB Power Systems for its new generation of HVDC converter stations. Dubbed ‘HVDC 2000’, it is based on an existing concept and proven know-how.
Classic HVDC power transmission technology has come a long way: from the first 20MW, 100 kV transmission in Gotland to ultrahigh-voltage DC links like the 800 kV Hami-Zheng-zhou transmission link in China, with a capacity of 8,000 MW. As part of this ongoing journey, ABB has developed new technologies – eg,
the first large multi-terminal HVDC transmission system to be built any-where in the world. HVDC cables have kept pace As the converter station ratings in-creased, so too did the powers and voltage levels for which the HVDC cables had to be built. The most powerful HVDC submarine cables to date are rated 600 MW at 450 kV. The longest of these ...