VSC 真空接触器 - 真空接触器 (中压元器件) | 真空接触器 | ABB
vsc 真空接触器作为电气控制开关设备,可广泛应用于发电厂、工业、服务、海运等领域,由于采用真空灭弧技术,使得其可以在极其恶劣的环境下运行,特别适用于控制和保护电动机、变压器、无功补偿等设备,配合适当的熔断器,能够实现短路容量高达 50 ka ...
IEC indoor vacuum contactor VSC - Contactors (Apparatus) - ABB
IEC indoor vacuum contactor VSC The motor and capacitor switching solution V-Contact VSCs are suitable for controlling electrical apparatus in industry, the service sector, the marine sector, etc. Thanks to the breaking technique with vacuum interrupters, they can operate in particularly difficult environments.
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V-Contact VSC - ABB
Low sensitivity to voltage dips. The medium voltage V-Contact VSC contactors are apparatus suitable for operating in alternating current and are normally used to control users requiring a high number of hourly operations.
vsc 真空接触器作为电气控制开关设备,可广泛应用于发电厂、 工业、服务、海运等行业中。 真空灭弧室优异的开断性能,使得 VSC 接触器能在特别恶劣的
The V-Contact VSC contactor introduces the drive with permanent magnets, already widely used, experimented and appreciated in medium voltage circuit-breakers, into the worldwide panorama of medium voltage contactors. The experience acquired by ABB in the field of medium voltage circuit-breakers fitted with drives with "MABS" permanent magnets,
真空接触器 - 中压元器件 | 中压元器件 | ABB - ABB Group
真空接触器特别适合控制和保护电动机、变压器、电容器组等,与熔断器配合使用时,真空接触器能在短路电流高达 50 kA 的系统中应用。 主要优势. 想了解更多产品和服务信息? This is a placeholder for Download Section, however there are no public documents for your country that can be shown. You can log in below to see non-public documents or use Advanced Search link to see documents for all countries.
ABB Library - Indoor Vacuum Contactors
VSC中压真空接触器是适用于交流配电系统的电气开关设备,尤其是适合于频繁操作场合的理想电器,已在ABB中压真空断路器上得到了广泛的应用 。 作为电气控制开关设 备,可广泛应用于发电厂、工业、服 务、海运等行业中。 ABB Library is a web tool for searching for documents related to ABB products and services.
vsc真空接触器采用abb驰名的真空灭弧室和永磁操动机 构,可用于交流系统中的正常操作,尤其适用于频繁操作 的场合,例如:三相电动机,变压器,电容器和电阻等负
The medium voltage V-Contact VSC contactors are apparatus suitable for operating in alternating current and are normally used to control users requiring a high number of hourly operations. The V-Contact VSC contactor introduces the drive with permanent magnets, already widely used, experimented and appreciated in medium voltage
V-Contact VSC contactors introduce permanent magnet ope-rating mechanisms, already widely used, tried-and tested and appreciated in medium voltage circuit-breakers, to the world of medium voltage contactors. Experience acquired by ABB in the field of medium voltage circuit-breakers equipped with “MABS” permanent magnet