Broad-spectrum ABX protect against DSS-induced colitis
ABX treatment completely protected the mice from colitis and abrogated the impact of fungi on colitis. Only untreated mice exhibited a strong colitis phenotype with significant weight loss (Fig....
中科院1区-年刊文1k+:吉大揭示红景天苷调节肠道菌缓解DSS诱导 …
2023年9月4日 · dss诱导的结肠炎小鼠表现出与uc患者相似的症状,其特征是体重减轻、腹泻、结肠缩短、炎症反应、肠道损伤和肠道生态失调。因此,dss已被广泛用于建立小鼠结肠炎模型。肠上皮细胞的上部有粘液,它可以阻止病原体、饮食抗原和毒素进入肠上皮。
Pretreatment with an antibiotics cocktail enhances the protective ...
2024年3月18日 · This study aims to identify the effect of Abx pretreatment from dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis and to evaluate whether Abx pretreatment has an enhanced effect on the protection of Clostridium butyricum Miyairi588 (CBM) from colitis.
重磅科研丨CELL: 粘膜真菌通过17型免疫促进肠道屏障功能和社会 …
2022年11月10日 · 为了探索胃肠道真菌微生物群的生物地理分布特征,我们从C57BL/6小鼠的胃、空肠、回肠、盲肠和结肠等多个GI区域收集LUM和黏膜样本,并进行真菌核糖体DNA (rDNA)ITS测序 (图1A)。 真菌群落的非度量多维尺度分析显示,基于LUM与粘膜取样部位的聚集性较强,而非纵向位置 (图1B)。 进一步分析显示,无论纵向采样位置如何,LUM真菌菌群的多样性都很高,而粘膜相关真菌群落的多样性明显较低 (图1C)。 由于大肠承载着最高的真菌负荷,我们将进一 …
Absence of gut microbiota alleviates iron overload-induced colitis …
2024年12月20日 · Antibiotics and dextran sulfate sodium salt (DSS) were used to create germ-free and colitis models, respectively. Results showed that iron overload caused disruption of systemic iron homeostasis via activating pro-inflammation response, which caused induction of ferroptosis and eventually resulted in colitis in mice.
Dubosiella newyorkensis - Nature
2024年2月13日 · In this study, we identified an understudied, robust SCFA-producing commensal bacterium, Dubosiella newyorkensis, that can ameliorate dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in mice by...
Dextran sodium sulfate potentiates NLRP3 inflammasome ... - Nature
2022年7月7日 · Two weeks of treatment with ABX almost completely depleted the gut microbiota, as revealed by the PCR results (Fig. S3B), and ABX treatment slightly decreased the sensitivity of mice to DSS...
Germ-free and Antibiotic-treated Mice are Highly Susceptible to ...
Results: Conventional mice developed DSS-induced colitis normally, whereas GF mice showed only minimal inflammation [no colonic thickening, lower myeloperoxidase activity, IL-6, IL-17, TNF-α, and IFN-γ secretion by splenocytes and mesenteric cell cultures, etc.].
Bacteroides dorei BDX-01 alleviates DSS-induced experimental …
Oral BDX-01 administration significantly ameliorated the symptoms and pathological damage of DSS-induced acute colitis. Moreoever, 16S rRNA sequencing and enzyme activity analysis showed that BDX-01 treatment increased intestinal BSH activity and the abundance of bacteria harboring this enzyme.
摘要:目的:采用不同抗生素组合(Antibioticcocktail,ABx)预处理的方法构造伪无菌小鼠模型,观察不同抗生素组合对小鼠生理功能、肠道炎症及肠道菌群的影响。 继而从肠屏障和免疫方面,观察丁酸梭菌MIYAIRI588对抗生素预处理后DSS肠炎小鼠的作用,并探索其对小鼠肠屏障、炎症细胞因子、免疫细胞、肠道菌群结构和短链脂肪酸代谢物的影响。 最后,探究丁酸梭菌MIYAIRI588菌体和上清液调节肠炎小鼠炎症稳态的机制。
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