Ruger AC556 mags - any place to buy these? - AR15.COM
2008年2月4日 · Thanks for all the info. I never had a Mini 14 or AC556 & know squat about these. I never even though about buying one until I found on less than 5k & was fast enough to get first dibs. Now I need to get up to speed on this thing. I was really looking for an HK sear pack when I ran across the Ruger & couldn't pass it up - no matter how hard I ...
Ruger Mini-14 Facts, History, and Information. - AR15.COM
2018年6月30日 · But between 1973 and the present time. There has been other, more interesting variants. The Ruger AC556 and AC556K of course; the regular Mini's full-auto cousin introduced to the market in 1978. The AC556 is a standard 18 inch barreled Mini-14 with a giggle switch and the AC556K is the 13 inch barreled version.
Ruger AC-556 - AR15.COM
2019年11月14日 · The AC556 also is not as configuration friendly so its more difficult to upgrade (rails, lights, optics, suppressors, etc) and there is the risk of the AC556 looking "Tapco-ed" if it is upgraded with bolt on additions. Clyde Armory was the only shop that made a good looking upgraded modern stock system for the AC556, but its now out of production.
Ruger AC556 - Ruger Forum
2015年10月24日 · I have a Ruger AC556 shorty that is not cycling properly, meaning that when I do 3 round burst, once or twice it will fire fine, most of the time I have to manually eject the 3rd casing out of the gun. When I place the selector switch into full auto, it …
Ruger AC556 questions. - AR15.COM
2017年12月13日 · The registered part on Ruger factory AC556 guns is the receiver itself. There are a myraid of Mini-14 conversions out there that the registered part could who knows what. They are actually not all that bad. I have had one of the …
The Ruger Mini-14, a rifle that folks hate for no real reason ...
2018年6月30日 · The Ruger AC556 and AC556K of course; the regular Mini's full-auto cousin introduced to the market in 1978. The AC556 is a standard 18 inch barreled Mini-14 with a giggle switch and the AC556K is the 13 inch barreled version.
AC556 - Ruger Forum
2024年5月14日 · New to site. Not one to understand all the tech of firearms but love to shoot. . Looking to get ac556 MG. Lot of coins so want to b sure. difference between 556 and mini14? ‘Stay away from’ any year or serial #? Accuracy? Blue vs stainless? Thanks MT
How about the FN FNC? Or the AC556? - AR15.COM
2009年6月17日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
Sources for Ruger AC556K block front sights or roll my own
2015年7月30日 · You will have to weld, re-surface and re-blue the area where the sight roll pin cuts thru the barrel. The AC556 front sight radius is shorter, and lacks protective wings. I'm not aware of anyone making AC556 front sight/gas block tops as they are considered inferior to the barrel mounted winged sights.
Rethreding AC556 barrel - AR15.COM
2014年6月30日 · I personally wouldnt rethread a AC556 and/or run it suppressed. The AC was never designed to be run with a suppressor and you will be putting more gas back into the bolt/carrier and it will slam home harder into the back of the receiver. The AC has no buffer in the back so it metal to metal contact as the bolt and slide come back.