A40 ACB 4000A | CHINT Global
A40 Power Circuit Breakers is available for 4000 amps, the maximum voltage can be up to 847Vac. A40 family of products provide design standardization for OEM’s no matter where …
德力西电气有限公司-万能式断路器 (ACB) - delixi-electric.com
CDW3系列框架断路器的额定电流覆盖400A至6300A,额定工作电压交流415V /690V,适用于交流50Hz/60Hz,-40℃~70℃极限环境条件。 主要用于配电网络中,用来分配电能,保护线路和电 …
EP MVS CB 4000A 65kA 3P MF ET2 fixed manual circuit breaker
EasyPact MVS40 is a 4000A circuit breaker. The application is suitable for 690V AC@50/60Hz. With manually operating mechanism (ACB/SD), and basic trip unit with display. It provides …
3WL Non-Automatic Air Circuit Breakers up to 4000 A (DC)
2025年3月1日 · With this configurator you can select exactly the right circuit-breaker configuration for your application. For example, if you already know the ordering data of a device and only …
This kind of breaker is used as the main power breaker of the supply such as buildings, factories and ships etc. and satisfy the various needs.
Circuit breaker, EasyPact MVS, 3 Poles, 4000A, 65kA, MDO, ET6, …
EasyPact MVS40 is a 4000A circuit breaker. The application is suitable for 690VAC@50/60Hz. With manually operating mechanism (ACB/SD), and basic trip unit with display. It provides …
This kind of breaker is used as the main power breaker of the supply such as buildings, factories and ships etc. and satisfy the various needs.
4000A, 3P, 100KA, LSI, Fixed, ACB - Siemens - ProFlairs
Air Circuit Breakers 3WL offer a flexible design which has integrated communications technology. The 3WL air circuit breakers are available in three sizes with power ranges from 630A to …
FUJI BT3 系列 3200A-4000A 4P 空氣斷路器 (ACB)刀掣不帶過載保護
FUJI BT3系列空氣斷路器3200A-4000A 框架3 ACB 4P 抽屜式 不帶OCR 訂購代號 說明 BT3-4000X/43200ENOCR M3 3200A 4P DOT ACB F3 BT3-4000X/44000ENOCR M3 4000A 4P …
4000A, 4P, 100KA, LI, Drawout, ACB - Siemens - ProFlairs
SENTRON 3WL ACB - Siemens Air Circuit Breakers 3WL offer a flexible design which has integrated communications technology. The 3WL air circuit breakers are available in three …