Audit and Assurance (AA) - ACCA Global
Audit and Assurance (AA) You'll develop knowledge and understanding of the process of carrying out the assurance engagement and its application in the context of the professional regulatory framework.
AA syllabus | ACCA Global
The syllabus for the Audit and Assurance (AA) exam is designed to help with planning study and to provide detailed information on what could be assessed in any examination session.
ACCA各科目之间详细介绍 - 知乎
科目联系: AA (F8)课程是ACCA基础课程阶段唯一的一门关于审计的课程,它详细介绍了对财务报表的整个审计流程,与AA (F8)直接相关联的课程是专业阶段的选修课程AAA (P7) (高级审计与鉴证)。
ACCA考试经验分享:想考FR (F7)和AA (F8) 高分经验 - 知乎
AA (F8) Audit and Assurance 没有相关工作经验的大学生来说,备考AA (F8) 这门课程,需要大量的背诵。 听课看视频时可以先不背诵,但需要知道应该背什么,构造出框架。 课后可以收集资源 (这里推荐微博ACCA超话,那里有很多资源) ,结合自己平时记下的笔记进行背诵。
These exams offer ACCA the opportunity to focus on the application of knowledge to scenarios, using a range of tools including word processor, spreadsheets and presentation slides - not only enabling students to demonstrate their technical and professional skills but also their use of the technology available to today’s accountants.
2020年A考必看!ACCA - AA (F8) 必考知识点 + 重难点解析 - 知乎
2020年5月27日 · AA (F8) 审计与鉴证 业务,无疑是ACCA-F阶段较难把握的一科,很多同学都在这门课面前望而却步。 尤其是对于中国考生来讲,在一个非母语环境里,突破英语阅读及写作方面的障碍,在缺乏实战经验的前提下,硬生生的参加一个这么抽象的考试科目,的确不容易。
ACCA AA Syllabus 2025 | aCOWtancy Textbook
Try our free ACCA AA online course and ACCA books covering the entire syllabus. All ACCA notes are simple and easy-to-understand.
ACCA AA (F8)科目考试内容是什么?AA科目详解 - rongyuejiaoyu
2023年12月18日 · AA是ACCA考试中的第八门科目,为后续AAA、SBR等科目奠定基础。 AA科目详细介绍了财务报表审计的整个流程,同学们在学习前需要根据自身可行的学习时间,制定切实可行的学习计划。
2024-2025ACCA AA考试大纲变动细则_ACCA-正保会计网校
2024年1月18日 · 2024-2025国际注册会计师ACCA AA考试大纲已经发布,小编对ACCA AA考试大纲变动细则进行了整理。 把握住考试大纲,就是抓住了准绳! ACCA考生一定要及时了解!
With Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams assessed by computer based exam, ACCA is committed to continuing on its journey to assess all exams within the ACCA Qualification using this delivery mode. The question types used at Strategic Professional require students to effectively mimic what they would do in the workplace.
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