Anterior cruciate ligament - Wikipedia
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of a pair of cruciate ligaments (the other being the posterior cruciate ligament) in the human knee. The two ligaments are called " cruciform " ligaments, as they are arranged in a crossed formation.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) - Physiopedia
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a band of dense connective tissue which courses from the femur to the tibia. It consists of type I (90%) and type III collagen [1]. The length of ACL ranges from 27 to 38 mm and the width from 10 to 12 mm. The cross-section area measures approximately 44 mm sq [1]. It represents an hourglass or bowtie shape.
Anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament with regard to its two ...
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) consists of two major fiber bundles, namely the anteromedial and posterolateral bundle. When the knee is extended, the posterolateral bundle (PL) is tight and the anteromedial (AM) bundle is moderately lax. As the knee is …
2023年2月20日 · 膝关节有两条中央韧带:后交叉韧带(pcl)和前交叉韧带(acl)。 前交叉韧带对于需要变向的运动员是关键,因为它可以控制旋转方向。 想象一下,韧带就像一根有多条纤维拧成的绳子。
Oină - Wikipedia
Oină (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈoj.nə]) is a Romanian traditional bat-and-ball game, similar in many ways to baseball. [1] The name "oină" was originally "hoina", [2] and is derived from the Cuman word oyn "game" (a cognate of the Turkish oyun). [3]
ACL Anthology
3 天之前 · Welcome to the ACL Anthology! The ACL Anthology currently hosts 105850 papers on the study of computational linguistics and natural language processing. Subscribe to the mailing list or the RSS news feed to receive announcements and updates to the Anthology.
Biophysics of ACL Injuries | Published in Orthopedic Reviews
2024年12月7日 · Chronic pain, persistent instability, and an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis are among the lasting effects that can follow an ACL injury. An in-depth understanding of the biophysics behind ACL injuries is paramount for devising effective prevention and treatment protocols.
ACL 2024 Accepted Paper 浅浅分析 - CSDN博客
2024年7月24日 · "acl在ip网络中的应用" 访问控制列表(acl)是网络管理中的一种关键技术,用于在ip网络中实施流量过滤和控制。它基于预定义的规则,允许或拒绝特定的数据包通过网络设备,如路由器和交换机。
儿童青少年ACL损伤的危险因素和非接触性ACL损伤的机制——解 …
2024年12月3日 · 既往支具保护、免除或限制体育活动等非手术治疗是儿童和青少年ACL损伤的主要治疗方式,但几乎百分百会出现髁间窝骨赘增生、半月板和/或软骨的继发损伤,导致这些未成年人很难重返伤前的运动水平。 近日,中华医学会小儿外科分会小儿骨科学组和中华医学会骨科学分会小儿创伤与矫形学组联合编写了中国儿童和青少年前十字韧带损伤诊疗指南(应为国内首次),为医务人员、运动爱好者、ACL损伤患者指明了方向,编者拟用几期的时间来解读这一重 …
Vlan ACL in 和 out - CSDN博客
2024年4月24日 · 本文介绍了ACL在网络设备中的方向设置,进入设备前起作用设为in,进入后起作用设为out,并以家庭大门为例进行类比。还说明了ACL放置位置对流量的影响,以及在vlan间ACL的方向判断和应用示例,包括禁止主机访问和vlan间通讯控制等。