ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data - ACM …
The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) welcomes papers on a full range of research in the knowledge discovery and analysis of diverse forms of data. Such subjects include: scalable and effective algorithms for data mining and data warehousing, mining data streams, mining multi-media data, mining high-dimensional data ...
TKDD: Vol 19, No 3 - ACM Digital Library
Learning a good similarity measure for large-scale high-dimensional data is a crucial task in machine learning applications, yet it poses a significant challenge. Distributed minibatch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) serves as an efficient optimization ...
TKDD Archive - ACM Digital Library
The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) welcomes papers on a full range of research in the knowledge discovery and analysis of diverse forms of data. Such subjects include: scalable and effective algorithms for data mining and data warehousing, mining data streams, mining multi-media data, mining high-dimensional data, mining text, Web, and semi-structured data, mining ...
TKDD: Vol 19, No 3 - ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
Learning a good similarity measure for large-scale high-dimensional data is a crucial task in machine learning applications, yet it poses a significant challenge. Distributed minibatch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) serves as an efficient optimization ...
SCI一区的Information Science和SCI三区的ACM TKDD哪个认可度 …
2022年8月26日 · tkdd在业内认可度更高,但是如果是在国内一般高校还是建议投ins. INFORMATION SCIENCES期刊的on hold解除了! 该刊从2021开始连续三年的发文量均达到1400篇以上,中国作者的发文比例更是 从69%增长至79%,远高于第二名的美国。 于2024年6月17日被中科院正式On Hold,值得庆祝的是这本TOP刊于两天前解除on hold了,大伙们的“武林秘籍”发布平台又回来啦! 不过由于被镇压了,该刊明年应该是没有分区的,不过懂得都懂,这么 …
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data(TKDD)投 …
2023年6月10日 · TKDD是 数据挖掘 领域的B类期刊,由ACM主办。 CCF推荐B类期刊,JCR二区。 中科院分区:大类学科-计算机科学- Q3. 1.TKDD官网: https://dl.acm.org/journal/tkdd. 2.投稿网址: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tkdd. 需要先注册,登陆后在Author条目下:Star New Submission. 一共有七个步骤,第一作者似乎还需要一个ORCID,直接注册就好了。 初次提交只提交PDF版本,用 overleaf 写完下载就行。 (1)overleaf 模板: …
The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) welcomes papers on a full range of research in the knowledge discovery and analysis of diverse forms of data.
The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) welcomes papers on a full range of research in the knowledge discovery and analysis of diverse forms of data.
TKDD最新综述:可解释的异常检测(A Survey on Explainable …
期刊: ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) (数据挖掘 领域顶级期刊) 作者:Zhong Li, Yuxuan Zhu, Matthijs van Leeuwen (LIACS, Leiden University, the Netherlands) 链接: ArXiv, TKDD (开源) 发表日期:2023年7月. 随着大模型ChatGPT等的出现,越来越多的人在感到新奇的同时,也感到隐隐的担忧。 比如说: 我的工作会不会被人工智能所取代? 如果我在工作中使用了人工智能,当出现工作事故的时候,该由谁来负责? 银行贷款的人工智能批款模 …
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data - Information for Authors
The ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data publishes original archival papers in the area of knowledge discovery and data mining and closely related disciplines. (See the Editorial Charter for further details.) Submitted papers are judged primarily on originality and relevance, but effective presentation is also critical.