ACMUN - Anatolia College
ACMUN is an internationally recognized event for high school students aged 14 to 18. Our affiliation with and endorsement from THIMUN ensures that we uphold the highest international Model United Nations standards.
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ACMUN – Arkansas Collegiate Model UN
The Arkansas Collegiate Model United Nations (ACMUN) was established by Dr. Chris Housenick at Arkansas Tech University in 2011. Annual ACMUN conferences were held at ATU in Russellville from 2011 to 2016.
ACMUN - appleby.on.ca
APPLEBY COLLEGE MODEL UNITED NATIONS (ACMUN) Dear Delegates, Advisors and Honoured Guests, Welcome to ACMUN XX, the 20th iteration of Appleby College's annual Model United Nations conference. My name is David Zhao, and I'm honored to serve as the Secretary General this year.
Acmun | educational stimulation activity
ACMUN is an educational simulation academic activity in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches participants speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical …
Mar 5, 2025 · The ACMUN conference has been attracting students who represent a vast range of religions and ethnic groups. Since 2003 we have had participants from all over Greece and from countries such as Bulgaria and Slovenia. We have also had delegates and Student Officers from Turkey, Israel and United Arab Emirates.
Conferences – ACMUN
Arkansas Collegiate Model United Nations (ACMUN) Conference 2024 and future slate of hosts. The 2024 ACMUN conference was co-convened with the Oklahoma Model UN (OKMUN) and be cohosted in-person by Northeastern State University and Northwest Arkansas Community College on the NSU campus (in Tahlequah, Oklahoma).
ACMUN模联会来啦 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
本项目 项目名为: 爻弈模联(ACMUN) 寓意: (ACMUN: Fluctuation and Confrontation Model United Nations)爻意为交错变动,在圆桌会议上,一处变则处处变;奕取博弈之论,为谋取利益而争斗,或说是围棋局戏之意,运筹帷幄之感,闭圈则为困境,冲之而出则为破阵。
Schedule - ACMUN
Welcome to the Third National AL Ahliyyah College Model United Nations! This event marks the culmination of years of MUN experience, starting six years ago when 8th graders, curious about MUN, began preparing for their first conference. Since then, we’ve aimed to create a conference where everyone feels involved and confident in their debates.
Anatolia College Model United Nations
Check out our NEW website! Please follow this link to be informed about the latest on our conference. The website you are currently on will no longer have any updates. For further information, contact us at [email protected] or follow us on Facebook.