Amorphous Calcium Phosphate NPs Mediate the Macrophage …
2020年9月16日 · BMSC osteogenic differentiation was detected by ALP staining, Alizarin Red solution staining and RT-PCR. ACP NPs were safe to macrophages but promoted autophagy and induced ROS production at high concentrations. ACP NPs changed morphology of macrophages and induced polarization into M1 type, thus promoting the expression of inflammatory cytokines.
Facile synthesis of in situ bismuth-doped calcium phosphate ...
2025年2月1日 · Herein, in this study, we present a straightforward one-pot strategy for the synthesis of in situ bismuth-doped amorphous calcium phosphate nanocomposites (RBCP), effectively integrating the beneficial properties of each component. The characterization of these products can be readily optimized by adjusting reaction parameters.
1.bmsc(c57种属)的正常形态到底是什么样的,是否部分细胞由梭状开始有点多变型、摊开也是正常的? 2.PBS的吹打是否会对细胞形态产生很大影响? 因为附着的杂细胞较多,我用PBS进行了多次清洗,到day4,发现有些细胞就开始发生形态变化了
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate NPs Mediate the Macrophage
BMSC osteogenic differentiation was detected by ALP staining, Alizarin Red solution staining and RT-PCR. ACP NPs were safe to macrophages but promoted autophagy and induced ROS production at high concentrations. ACP NPs changed morphology of macrophages and induced polarization into M1 type, thus promoting the expression of inflammatory cytokines.
Design Strategies and Biomimetic Approaches for Calcium …
2022年8月13日 · The formation of calcium phosphate (CaP) phases in bone tissue includes the sequestration of calcium and phosphorous ions into ACP stable precursors, and the templating of these clusters into ordered forms [37,38]. Formation and evolution of relatively stable amorphous phases have been studied to perform an in-depth examination of ...
(PDF) Amorphous calcium phosphate NPs-mediated
2020年2月24日 · Objective: To evaluate macrophage responses to ACP nanoparticles and the effect of ACP nanoparticle/macrophage-modulated environments on the osteogenic ability of BMSCs. Materials and methods:...
173e Osteoblast Response to Amorphous Calcium Phosphate in …
Rat bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) were cultured for 21 days in osteogenic medium and mineral was added to cell layers at 4, 11, 18 days. β-glycerophosphate was excluded from osteogenic medium to allow for more rigorous assessment of the effect of ion release from ACP.
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate NPs Mediate the Macrophage …
2021年2月1日 · BMSC osteogenic differentiation was detected by ALP staining, Alizarin Red solution staining and RT-PCR. ACP NPs were safe to macrophages but promoted autophagy and induced ROS production at...
ACP NPs/macrophage-modulated environments weaken the osteogenic ability of BMSCs. ACP NPs may cause aseptic inflammation and attenuate osteogenesis. KEY WORDS: ACP nanoparticles; macrophage polarization; cytokine; autophagy; osteogenic differentiation. INTRODUCTION Calcium phosphate (CaP) is often used as a bone substitute or coating material.
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate NPs Mediate the Macrophage …
This project aims to evaluate the safety of ACP NPs in macrophages, the responses of macrophages (macrophage polarization, the cytokine secretion pattern of macrophages and intracellular homeostasis) to ACP NPs and the effect of ACP NPs/macrophage-modulated environments on the osteogenic ability of BMSCs.