PBN is the first step towards realization of a NATO-wide digital backbone and it will provide the singular for the Enterprise NATO R3STRICTED (NR) platform digital workplace for effective and efficient collaboration across the Alliance.
NCIA/ACQ/2025/06658 21 March 2025 . Version: January 2024 . Notification of Intent to Invite Bids . ... other NATO documents classified as NATO RΞSTRICTΞD. 11. The successful bidder will be required to handle and store classified information up to the level of NATO RΞSTRICTΞD. In addition, contractor personnel will be required to work ...
Allied Command Operations - Wikipedia
The Allied Command Operations (ACO) is one of the two strategic commands of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the other being Allied Command Transformation (ACT). The headquarters and commander of ACO is Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), respectively.
The NCI Agency hereby notifies the NATO Nations of its intent to invite bids for the procurement of Endpoint Protection centralised management capability that will deliver an uplift to the endpoint cyber security protection capabilities throughout the NATO Enterprise and centralise the capabilities that are
NATO seeks C-UAS industry solutions to protecting critical ...
2024年4月29日 · The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) seeks information regarding the availability, pricing, and delivery timeline of C-UAS equipment. The market survey is being issued to identify potential solutions, to calibrate requirements, and identify possible suppliers.
Allied Command Transformation | NATO ACT
Welcome to Allied Command Transformation, NATO's Strategic Warfare Development Command
1949年4月4日,美国、加拿大、英国、法国、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、丹麦、挪威、冰岛、葡萄牙、意大利十二国外长在华盛顿签署了《北大西洋公约》;8月24日,该公约生效,北约组织正式成立。 北约总部设最初设在伦敦,1951年,迁到巴黎,1967年,法国退出该组织的军事机构后,又迁至布鲁塞尔。 [77] 冷战期间,北约主要针对苏联和华约。 冷战结束后,逐步调整转型。 [9] 1999年,北约通过“新战略概念”,从区域性军事防务同盟转变为后冷战时期的全球性政治军事 …
NATO Digital Workplace
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NATO - Homepage
2011年1月20日 · NATO condemns Russia's war against Ukraine in the strongest terms. The Alliance remains steadfast in its support for Ukraine, helping to uphold its fundamental right to self-defence. NATO's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine; Relations with Ukraine; Comprehensive Assistance Package (CAP) for Ukraine; …
directlyemployed bya NATO Mission or Operation led by anyAllied Command Operations(ACQ) Headquarters(HQs). Incaseofthedeath of the Appellant or entitled Appellants, their legal successors (determined in accordance with the national law of the deceased individual) mayaccesstothe MATon the conditionssetup byRule30 (Death oftheAppellant).