ACR I-CARD Certification - Bureau of Immigration
2014年3月6日 · Who can apply? An individual certifying that he has either registered or not yet registered. Where to apply? What to bring? How to apply? How much does it cost? All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated. Learn more about the Philippine government, its structure, how government works and the people behind it. Copyright © 2025.
How to get an ACR I-Card in the Philippines (Alien Certificate of ...
Here’s a guide on how foreigners can get an ACR I-Card in the Philippines. For foreigners who stay in the Philippines for more than 60 days, an ACR I-card is required. An ACR I-Card is an Alien Certificate of Registration Identification Card. It’s a …
菲律宾移民局外国人身份证(ACR I-Card)的类型和样式 - 知乎
菲律宾移民局对于中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门护照持有者的 ACR I-CARD (Alien Certificate for Registration Identity Card)申请时间有所变动: 针对入境菲律宾的中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门公民(护照持有者),将从原本“在第2次延签时办理”更改为:
Renewal of ACR I-CARD | Bureau of Immigration Philippines
Replacement of ACR as required under the Alien Registration Act of 1950, as amended. Where to apply? What to bring? How to apply? Secure and fill out an application form and attach required documents. After evaluation application and approved, the ACR I-Card shall be printed. How much does it cost?
How to Get an ACR I-Card in the Philippines: Complete Guide
2024年10月25日 · The ACR I-Card, meaning Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card, is essentially a key identification document for foreigners residing in the Philippines. It’s implemented by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) in the Philippines, given to registered aliens (foreign citizens) whose length of stay in the country surpasses 59 days.
2019年12月25日 · ACR-Iカードは、Alien Certificate of Registration Identity card の略で、フィリピンで「外国人登録証」 と呼ばれます。 有効期限は1年で、フィリピン出国時には返却義務があります。 ACR-IカードにはICチップが埋め込まれていて、氏名や国籍等が記載されます。 フィリピンの取得ビザの種類によって、ACR-Iカードの色分けがされています。 ・観光ビザは白. ・学生ビザはアクアブルー. ・労働ビザは青. ・永住者ビザは黄色. ACR-Iカードは、観光・留学 …
FAQ's | Bureau of Immigration Philippines
What is an ACR I-Card? Who are required to apply for an ACR I-Card? How can I apply for an ACR I-Card? What are the different categories of the ACR I-Card? What is the corresponding color assignment of each category?
Alien Certificate of Registration – Philippines Information
What is an Alien Certificate of Registration or ACR-I Card? The ACR-I card is a requirement for foreign nationals to hold after a certain period of time in the Philippines. It is also required by those foreign nationals to be able to leave the Philippines, together with an ECC (Exit/Emigration Clearance Certificate) [not instead of].
How to Get ACR I-Card - Philippine IDs
An Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card or ACR I-Card is an official identification card issued by the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines to the foreign nationals (aliens) in the country. Application for ACR I-Card is required to all foreign nationals who have stayed for more than 59 days in the Philippines.
The Complete Guide on ACR I-Card AiPassportPhotos
2024年6月18日 · The ACR I-Card stands for the Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card. It is a smart card and biometric-based identification of alien residents issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) in the Philippines. If you are not a Filipino and you have been in the country for over 59 days, you must secure an ACR I-Card.