Advanced Communications Riser - Wikipedia
The Advanced Communications Riser, or ACR, is a form factor and technical specification for PC motherboard expansion slots. [1] It is meant as a supplement to PCI slots, a replacement for the original Audio/modem riser (AMR) slots, and a competitor and alternative to Intel's communications and networking riser (CNR) slots.
Advanced Communications Riser – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Advanced Communications Riser ou ACR, é um conector e uma especificação técnica para slots de expansão em placas-mãe de PCs. Foi projetado como um complemento para os slots PCI, um substituto dos slots AMR e um concorrente dos slots CNR.
ACR插槽 - 百度百科
ACR是Advanced CommuniATIon Riser(高级通讯插卡)的缩写,不但能够与AMR规范完全兼容,而且定义了一个非常完善的网络与通讯的标准接口。 它是VIA(威盛)公司为了与 英特尔 的AMR相抗衡而联合AMD、3Com、Lucent(朗讯)、Motorola(摩托罗拉)、NVIDIA、Texas Instruments等世界著名厂商于2001年6月推出的一项开放性行业技术标准,其目的也上为了拓展AMR在网络通讯方面的功能。 ACR插卡可以提供诸如Modem、LAN(局域网)、Home PNA …
Riser architectures for motherboards - Pctechguide.com
Two of the most recent riser architecture specifications include CNR and ACR. Intel’s CNR (Communication and Networking Riser) specification defines a hardware scalable OEM motherboard riser and interface that supports the audio, …
ACR插槽,什么是ACR插槽,ACR插槽外形图 - 电子工程世界
2011年7月22日 · ACR是Advanced CommuniATIon Riser(高级通讯插卡)的缩写,它是VIA(威盛)公司为了与英特尔的AMR相抗衡而联合AMD、3Com、Lucent(朗讯)、Motorola(摩托罗拉)、NVIDIA、Texas Instruments等世界著名厂商于2001年6月推出的一项开放 ...
Definition of riser card - PCMag
In 2000, AMD, 3Com and others introduced ACR to supersede AMR. Taking up one PCI slot, it accelerated audio and modem functions in hardware. For audio and modem only, it could be built with a...
Advanced Communications Riser - Wikiwand
The Advanced Communications Riser, or ACR, is a form factor and technical specification for PC motherboard expansion slots. [1] It is meant as a supplement to PCI slots, a replacement for the original Audio/modem riser (AMR) slots, and a competitor and alternative to Intel's communications and networking riser (CNR) slots.
AMR, CNR and ACR slots - Hardware Secrets
AMR (Audio Modem Riser), CNR (Communications and Network Riser) and ACR (Advanced Communications Riser) are slots that you can find on your motherboard that have the same goal: to install...
The Microchip Technology Inc. 24LC09 is an 8 Kbit Electrically Erasable PROM designed to meet the Advanced Communication Riser Special Interest Group (ACR-SIG) riser card specification. The device is organized as four blocks of 256 x 8-bit memory that supports the 2-wire ACR Serial Bus interface with a special address: 1011.
ACR (Advanced Communications Riser) pinout - old.pinouts.ru
2018年3月27日 · Advanced Communications Riser (ACR) is a slot for connecting a specific hardware, such as AMR hardware, Cable Modem, DSL, Wireless, HomePNA, Ethernet, etc. This slot is a successor to AMR (Audio Modem Riser).