鋼芯鋁纜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鋼芯鋁纜,或稱鋼芯鋁線、鋼芯鋁絞線(Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced, or ACSR),是使用在架空電線上,以拉力強之鋼線作為導線之心,周圍繞以鋁線供通電的纜線。
Aluminium-conductor steel-reinforced cable - Wikipedia
Aluminum conductor steel-reinforced cable (ACSR) is a type of high-capacity, high-strength stranded conductor typically used in overhead power lines. The outer strands are high-purity aluminium, chosen for its good conductivity, low weight, low cost, resistance to corrosion and decent mechanical stress resistance.
钢芯铝绞线(acsr) 结构: 钢芯铝绞线由铝线以及中间用于加强的镀锌钢丝同心 式绞合而成。 用途: 钢芯铝绞线适用于中压、高压和超高压架空线, 长距离 输配电。如果对其表面用特殊工艺进行亚光处理,使阳光或其
ACSR电缆 - 百度百科
ASTM 232-同心绞钢芯铝绞线(ACSR) - 道客巴巴
内容提示: 架空导 (地)线产品 ASTM 标准译文集 名称:B23/B232M014 INTERNATIONAL 标准规范: 同心绞钢芯铝绞线 (ACSR) 本标准按以确定的标准 B232/B232M 颁布;标准号后紧邻的数字为最初采用或最终修改 的年份。 圆括号中的数字为最新重新审批的年份。 希腊字母上标 (e)表示自最近修改或 重新审批后的编辑性修改。 本标准被批准由国防部使用 g1 注一表 1 中 795000 (247)结构的代号应更正为“ Cuckoo 1.范围 1.1 本标准适用于 1350-H19 (超硬)圆铝线和镀层圆钢线构成 …
钢芯铝绞线型号及规格表_概述解释说明 - 百度文库
钢芯铝绞线(acsr)作为一种重要的输电导线,具有以下几个主要要点:首先,它采用了钢芯和铝导体的复合结构,兼具了钢的强度和铝的轻量化特性;其次,acsr具有良好的导电性能和机械强度,适用于长距离输电;同时,它还具备耐腐蚀、耐灼烧等优势;最后 ...
Low Loss conductor will have high current carrying capacity (approx. twice of ACSR having same diameter), by means of adopting TAL. Our Low Loss conductor was developed more than 30 years ago and so far we have supplied more than 15,700km (as of September 2017) in many projects around the world, in very different climatic conditions.
架空线——AAC, AAAC, ACSR - ZMS 电缆
与aac和acsr相比,aaac具有更好的强度和重量、更好的电性能、更好的垂直拉伸性能和更好的耐腐蚀性。 这些特点使aaac在配电和中高压输电线路中得到了更广泛的认可。
ACSR conductors are a composite, concentrically stranded conductor consisting of a single galvanised steel wire or a stranded galvanized steel central core surrounded with one or more layers of EC grade (alloy 1350) stranded aluminium wires.
CME Wire and Cable offers BareNRG ACSR overhead conductors with a variety of conductor designs and steel core coatings to address your application requirements for transmission and distribution projects.