FNSS ACV-15 - Wikipedia
FNSS developed the ACV-15 based on the AIFV to meet the Turkish Land Forces Command's (TLFC's) operational requirement. The first production vehicles were delivered in 1992. The basic AIFV has a one-person power-operated turret armed with a …
绿罗军马——土耳其ACV-15多用途装甲车 - 哔哩哔哩
The ACV-15 is a tracked (5 road wheels), lightweight, low silhouette armoured vehicle capable of high-speed operations in desert conditions, poor infrastructure, roads and/or highways. Personnel access the vehicle through hatches located on the top and via the rear hydraulic ramp, which also features an integrated door.
FNSS ACV-15 IFV (1995) - tank-afv.com
The ACV-15 was developed by FNSS as an APC/IFV capable to follow and accompany Main Battle Tanks in armored divisions or mechanized brigades. Emphasis is put both on protection with an add-on armor and armament with a 20 mm autocannon in the turret.
ACV-15 IFV FNSS - Army Recognition
2024年6月5日 · The ACV-15 is a light combat tracked armored vehicle developed, designed and manufactured by the Turkish Company FNSS Savunma Sistemleri to meet the requirement of the Turkish Army for a heavily armored vehicle in the 13-15t class that is able to operate alongside tanks in a combined arms team.
FNSS ACV-15 - 华文百科
ACV-15是土耳其国防公司FNSS Savunma SistemleriA.ş开发的两栖步兵家族的指定。 该车辆还由DRB-HICOM防御技术(Deftech)生产。 该设计是试图结合步兵战车(IFV)和装甲人员载体(APC)的能力的一种尝试。 ACV...
FNSS ACV-15 | Military Wiki | Fandom
ACV-15 is the designation of a armored combat vehicle [2] family developed by the Turkish defense company FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş., containing an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) and an armoured personnel carrier (APC). The ACV-15 is based on the American Advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicle...
FNSS ACV-15 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) / Armored Personnel …
2021年8月12日 · The ACV-15 is a 15-ton-range tracked vehicle with a multi-role attitude as it can serve in the APC role or IFV role with equal effectiveness in Turkish Army doctrine. Dimensions include a length of 17 feet, a width of 9 feet and a height of 9.4 feet.
土耳其升级军队的 ACV-15装甲运兵车|武器|acv|fnss|武装部队_网 …
2023年5月27日 · 将升级的 AAPC 是FNSS 在 2000 年代初交付给土耳其武装部队的 ACV-15配置。 该计划旨在将车辆的性能、功能和生命周期再提高 20 多年。 由于任务设备和武器系统出现新的威胁和新技术,其目的是用选择性设备和系统升级 AAPC。 FNSS 包涵盖升级领域,例如改进机动性、保护级别、生命支持、电子系统、态势感知和火力。 在能力增强计划的范围内,这些车辆将配备带有近距离监视系统的双枪遥控武器系统、辅助动力装置、A/C 系统、自动灭火系统、防剥 …
ACV-15 Technical SpecificationsBrochure (1.87MB)