Quick review of the AD823 vs OPA2132 vs AD8066 - Head-Fi.org
2007年4月7日 · I agree when it comes to OPA2134. It's congested, muddy, mono-sounding and undynamic. I find the AD823 very grainy and harsh, even when used in front of a buffer. If you like the "AD-sound" (AD823/8620/8397). 8620 is smoother and leaner, and except for the coarse treble it's very natural and musical. 8610/20 are used in many high end amps.
OPAMP round up & measurements: OPA2604, OPA637, AD823, …
2018年1月28日 · AD823 This was one of the most analog and organic sounding opamps of the group. It was one of my favourites to use in the old phono preamp I made, such good synergy with vinyl. It has a very natural timbre, presenting the midrange organic sounds involving acoustics and voices with such effortless accuracy. Really quite enjoyable for those genres.
AD823 or equivalent for low impedance and low voltage application
2004年6月6日 · In my testing, an AD823 began clipping with an 0.5V signal into a 33 ohm load at 4.3V supply. Unless your phones need a lot less than 0.5V to reach maximum loudness, I don't think it's going to work. The AD823 really is a poor cable driver. If the problem were that easy to solve, we wouldn't need to build amplifiers. Hint. Quote:
Quick review of the AD823 vs OPA2132 vs AD8066 - Head-Fi.org
2005年8月16日 · the ad8066 is a strange beast. the sound coming from it seems to be very delicate, yet refined, and some good bass. clear, but still smooth highs. it also seems to bring out more soundstage in my grateful dead recordings - those recordings from the 60ies and 70ies still sounded quite flat with the ad823. but the ad8066 sometimes sounds almost to distant, not as …
the AD823 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2001年6月20日 · The Analog AD823. I LOVE THIS CHIP. More than 132s, 627s, AD825/6, 6171s, more than any high-end chip I ...
AD823 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2001年6月24日 · AD823 - ok, I can sorta see the "house-sound" resemblance to the AD8610. But only sorta. Something kinda hyped up about the midrange, you could say overly lean and bright, false "detail" freaks might like this one. Maybe just terrible synergy with Etys. No way.
AD823 & AD712 Op amps | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2003年4月7日 · I found that with high-impedance headphones, bass was slightly better with the AD823 than the OPA2132. But with low-impedance headphones, this low-output op-amp will be starved for voltage. That's why Apheared built the original #42: by adding EL2001s to the output of this op-amp, you retain its sound qualities while increasing output current ...
Need sonic comparison, AD823 vs. 826 vs. 825 - Head-Fi.org
2007年2月25日 · All other op-amps will sound like crap, with ADA4899-1 being slightly imperfect, AD744 too harsh and cold, AD825 not much direct sounding but still very nice, AD8045 a bit dull, and all the rest being sonic trash.
Classical with Cute Beyond - op amp fine tuning - Head-Fi.org
2007年6月29日 · The bass end is a bit cleaner and the mids and highs better defined but without the slight harshness in the violins that I find with the OPA2107 and AD823. Funny thing is it seems to need about 5 - 10 minutes to warm up - maybe it needs a bit of burning in. Seems to run at a higher temperature than the other op amps too.
AD823 vs AD843 impressions - Head-Fi.org
2001年9月23日 · Such a difference... I'm experimenting on a small plug-in breadboard with these two parts. The circuit is simple in each case, a non-inverting amp with gain of around 9 (100R & 820R resistors). I use no input impedance resistor and no AC coupling, the power supply is a nominal +-9V from 15 NiCd...