2022年1月24日 · register for the ADEX clinical dental exam through the CDCA, as well as guidance regarding the DSE OSCE registration and content. See the 2022 ADEX Dental Exam Series: Fixed Prosthodontics and Endodontics Manual for details regarding those procedures. 1304 Concourse Drive Suite 100 Linthicum, MD 21090 www.cdcaexams.org
ADEX 2021 Endodontic Standardization - cdcaexams.org
Endodontic Standardization. 2021. 2021 v1.0
format of the ADEX Dental Examination Series for dental students of record. The Curriculum Integrated Format, the Patient-Centered Curriculum Integrated Format (PC-CIF), and the Traditional Format examinations are identical in content, criteria, and …
ADEX 2017 ACCESS OPENING Placement Placement of the access opening is on the lingual surface directly over the pulp chamber and allows for pulp horns to be fully removed and complete debridement of the pulp chamber and straight-line access to the root canal system. ACC
ADEX 2017 Examiner Number: Time Started: A. The mesial extent of the access preparation is < 2.0 mm distal to the mesial marginal ridge. B. The buccal extent of the access preparation is < 1.0 mm from the line bisecting the mesio-buccal and disto-buccal cusp tips. C. The distal extent of the access preparation is past the height of the oblique ...
ADEX 2022 22 ACCESS OPENING Placement Placement of the access opening is on the lingual surface directly over the pulp chamber and allows for pulp horns to be fully removed and complete debridement of the pulp chamber and straight-line access to the root canal system. ACC
ADEX 2020 DEF There is explorer-penetrable decalcifi ca on remaining on the cavosurface margin. Axial Walls INTERNAL FORM MAX CENTRALS & MAX/MAND CUSPIDS: The depth of the axial wall extends ≤ 1.5 mm in depth from the DEJ.
ADEX 2017. Axial Walls INTERNAL FORM The depth of the axial wall extends beyond the DEJ ≤ 1.5 mm. A.The axial wall extends beyond the DEJ > 1.5 mm but ≤ 2.5 mm. A. The axial wall extends beyond the DEJ > 2.5 mm. B. The axial wall is …
attention cdca/adex candidate: For candidates taking the Endo and Pros exam in the year of 2019-20, Matrices are now required to be fabricated for the Prosthodontic exam and submitted at the end of the examination.
ADEX 2017. Axial Walls INTERNAL FORM The depth of the axial wall extends ≤ 1.25 mm beyond the cavosurface margin. The axial wall extends > 1.25 mm but ≤ 2.0 mm beyond the cavosurface margin. The axial wall extends > 2.0 mm beyond the …