Adex Group - Engineering solutions
Adex experience Constuimos proyectos que marcan la diferencia. En ADEX Group, unimos creatividad e innovación tecnológica para ofrecer soluciones integrales que marcan la diferencia. Con ADEX Media, elevamos la identidad de tu marca a través de diseño gráfico, desarrollo web y dispositivos inteligentes, mientras que ADEX Tech revoluciona la conectividad mediante la integración de ...
About Us - ADEX
The Alpine-Adriatic Danube Power Exchange (ADEX) is the first regional power exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe. On December 23, 2022, the ADEX Group was established in Ljubljana by founding members ELES, EMS, and EPEX SPOT. Following the merger of BSP and SEEPEX, the group had its headquarters in Ljubljana, with additional offices in Belgrade. In November 2024, ADEX Group ...
ADEX Corporation Global Staffing Solutions – Rely on ADEX …
ADEX Awarded Top Telecom Recruitment and Staffing Firm for 2023 and Top Telecom Staffing Company of the Year 2024. Attracting top talent in today’s complex and competitive technological landscape is a valuable skill. Doing the same for the telecom industry is even more impressive. ADEX Corporation, a staffing agency with a long history of ...
Adex Group International
Adex Groups International was established in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2002 to provide customised clearance at Mina Salman port, Bahrain International airport and at the King Fahd Causeway, inland transportation, air/sea import, air/sea freight consolidation and …
HUPX merges into regional power exchange ADEX
2024年12月10日 · ADEX is committed to connect the fragmented markets in the Central and South-Eastern Europe into a single European electricity market. It is our responsibility that we share our European vision and knowledge about positive effects of integration for the benefit of our community,” says Chairman of the Management Board of ADEX Group Anže ...
Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary unite power exchanges in Adex
2024年3月25日 · Adex Group Ltd., the first regional energy exchange for Central and South-Eastern Europe (CSEE), was established on December 23, 2022, in Ljubljana. Its founding members are transmission system operators of Slovenia and Serbia – ELES and Elektromreža Srbije (EMS), respectively, EPEX SPOT and the two …
Adex Group Ltd. | LinkedIn
The Adex Group's market volume for 2023 amounted to 16.3 TWh. It's headquarters will move to Budapest in the second half of 2024, when HUPX will become its third wholly-owned subsidiary. Adex Group promotes the energy transition and the consolidation of fragmented local markets and serves as an accelerator for the introduction of the future ...
HUPX and ADEX Group has finally joined forces - News - HUPX
2024年12月10日 · ADEX Group succesfully closed the transaction of integrating BSP, HUPX, and SEEPEX. This milestone aims to enhance power trading in the region by improving market liquidity, transparency, and efficiency. With the merger finalized, ADEX will focus on integrating operations, improving customer service, and supporting the region's energy ...
Addex Group
The Addex Group is a specialist supplier of products and machinery to the construction, refurbishment, facilities and service industries. We have specialised in innovative solutions and serve the hire trade, large corporates, independents and local councils. Skip to content. Addex Group. Newsletter 01432 346 850 0.
Industrial Mezzanine Systems in Australia | Adex Group
For over four decades, Adex Group has remained an industry leader for mezzanine floors in Australia. Aside from mezzanine floors and offices, we also provide staircases and ladders, walkovers and service platforms, forklift barriers, and gates for warehouses and factories. Our licensed tradesmen ensure the best quality of work.