Step-By-Step: Setting up AD FS and Enabling Single Sign-On to …
2018年12月6日 · This prevents loss of service from a hardware failure. Keep in mind that once you are using Single Sign-on with Office 365, you rely on your local Active Directory for authentication. Both video and printed steps have provided to …
SSO using AD FS is now generally available!
2021年6月30日 · ADFS is something that we migrated away from and all apps to Azure AD. The fact that MS is introducing something "new" based on old ADFS is not something that I would be "exited" about. Please make it possible to use SSO based on Azure AD, that would be great.
ADFS vs Azure AD for SSO | Microsoft Community Hub
2017年4月24日 · Remember that ADFS is a shipped product, it ships with the version of Windows and its capabilities stay roughly the same for its lifetime. It might get an upgrade in a big service pack. So ADFS on Server 2012 R2 has pretty much the same capabilities for the last 5 years. The new ADFS on 2016 has more, but it is subject to the same static life.
ADFS SSO sign-in as different user | Microsoft Community Hub
2018年6月21日 · Problem is ADFS SSO is automatically signing-in the user as the account logged-into Windows. E.g. 'User runs a PowerShell command --> Authentication prompt comes-up --> user enters their privileged ID (different from their regular account) --> User enter their password --> user sign-in as their regular account rather than the privileged account ...
ADFS SSO SharePoint on-premise idle sign out and restrict to one …
How do I enforce single session per user logic in a SharePoint 2016 on-premise environment with SSO using ADFS? Also I need to setup a logic to automatically logout a user if there is idle session for a configurable duration. I need to implement in SharePoint on-premise 2016 environment with ADFS SSO. Thank you for your help on this.
Can we use Azure AD for SSO to SaaS applications if we already …
2018年12月3日 · We're stuck using ADFS for Dynamics on-premises. When configuring third-party SaaS applications (ex. Adobe, Zoom, etc.), I see they have options to configure SSO with Azure AD (enterprise application gallery) or to configure SSO with ADFS. My questions are: Is it possible to configure these SaaS applications for SSO with Azure AD?
Hybrid Azure AD Join (with ADFS present) question about SCP
2021年2月23日 · For ADFS' own SSO to work, the ADFS STS URL (or FQDN) needs to be added to the Local Intranet zone which needs to be configured for for automatic logon. So SSSO and ADFS SSO are two different things. Therefore, it's not clear why SSSO has any bearing on this choice for the SCP config's Authentication Service.
Can we use Azure AD for SSO for SaaS applications if we already …
A little background: our organization uses ADFS for SSO with Office 365; naturally, we sync our AD to Azure AD to make that work. We do not sync passwords with Azure. We need ADFS for Dynamics on-premises, so for now we're still using it. As I go to configure third-party SaaS applications (ex. Zoom, Adobe, etc.),
ADFS Deep-Dive: Troubleshooting | Microsoft Community Hub
2018年9月20日 · The SSO Transaction is Breaking when Redirecting to ADFS for Authentication . If the transaction is breaking down when the user is redirected to ADFS for authentication, then check the following items: Is the ADFS Logon URL correctly configured within the application? Many applications will be different especially in how you configure them.
ADFS Deep-Dive: Primer | Microsoft Community Hub
2018年9月20日 · From being onsite with so many customers, I learned that if you start off with how the end-user will experience ADFS and SSO, it helps frame what ADFS can do and can’t do. I can literally see my customers creating mental “buckets” based on these scenarios and when they start to learn more about ADFS, they will start to organize specific ...