journals - What does "ADM" stand for on an article submission ...
There is the administrator, who would preform some of the more routine tasks (checklists, adding notes, etc), this is commonly abbreviated as "admin" or "adm". The next level is an Editor. …
What's a ED, EIC, and ADM? - Academia Stack Exchange
2023年4月3日 · In the manuscript submission portal there is a link to contact the journal. When I follow the link it asks me who I want to send the message to. My options are the ED, EIC, or …
Meaning of "ADM: not assigned, Under Review" for IEEE Access
2021年6月14日 · Because, on the day the ADM was assigned, we received an email like - "Dear ABC, We have started the review process for your article, but wanted to mention the '2021 …
ADM: Not Assigned Under Review - Academia Stack Exchange
A previous question asked about "ADM" and the accepted answer noted ADM probably means "administrator." Thus, your paper does not have an "administrator" assigned, but is currently …
peer review - What is the status of a paper in IEEE after ADM ...
2023年2月10日 · If you read my answer then you will realize that (1) journals differ, (2) the ADM could (but does not have to be) a graduate student employed by the journal, and (3) the …
What does "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" mean within the context of …
With a typical ScholarOne configuration, "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" means that it is actually out with (at least some) reviewers, while "Under Review" would instead mean the previous stage, …
publications - What does the typical workflow of a journal look like ...
What steps does a manuscript typically go through from submission to publication (or rejection) in a typical journal? How are these steps referred to, in particular by editorial systems, and how lo...
“Awaiting EE Decision” in Manuscript Central – what does it mean?
2015年8月15日 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can …
publications - "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" after "Acceptance …
2021年5月6日 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. After …
AE: Not Assigned, Under Review -> AE: Not Assigned, Submitted
2023年4月4日 · I submitted a paper to an IEEE journal two months ago. The status changed to: "AE: Not Assigned, Under Review" after about 4 weeks and now recently it changed to …