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Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-0, Unified Land Operations, provides a common operational concept for a future in which Army forces must be prepared to...
ADP 3-0 describes how the Army conducts operations as a unified action partner using the Army’s operational concept —a fundamental statement that frames how Army forces, operating as part of a joint
ADP 3-0 Operations - United States Army
ADP 3-0 constitutes the Army’s view of how to conduct prompt and sustained operations across multiple domains, and it sets the foundation for developing other principles, tactics,...
Home: Doctrine: Army Operations: ADP 3-0 and ADRP 3-0
2025年3月5日 · This guide provides information about the U.S. Army's operations doctrine: ADP 3-0, FM 3-0, FM 100-5, and Field Service Regulations.
美陆军更新2019年版条令出版物! - 知乎专栏
这次更新的《ADP 3-0:作战》构建了陆军多个领域如何进行快速和持续作战的观点,它为开发其他原则和下属条令出版物中详细的战术、技术和程序奠定了基础。 它阐明了陆军的作联合陆上作战的基本原则、作战概念、战争艺术、作战流程、基本作战样式、作战框架和作战力量等。 ADP 3-0解释了作战的不确定性。 该出版物是培训和陆军的基础与联合陆上作战有关的教育系统课程。 2019年版《ADP 6-0:任务指挥—陆军部队指挥与控制》是对2012年版《ADP 6-0:任务指挥 …
ADP 3-0, Operations, is the Army’s capstone doctrine that captures the most critical lessons from a decade of continuous small scale land combat. In this edition, we retain lessons of the past but also look to a future where large-scale ground combat against peer threats is a distinct possibility.
Joint Chiefs of Staff > Doctrine > Joint Doctrine Pubs > 3-0 …
JP 3-0, Joint Campaigns and Operations This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance for joint campaigns and operations. A full list of joint doctrine publications may be found on JEL+.
ADP 3-13 Information Audio - United States Army
ADP 3-13 serves as the Army’s foundational doctrine for information. It provides the fundamental principles for considering how Army forces use, protect, and attack data and information to...
ADP 3-0 recognizes the joint de finition of an opera-tional environment, while focusing the discussion of the operational environment as related to Army forces. In addition, ADP 3-0 discusses the operations process as part of the operations structure while avoiding redundancy with the larger discussion found in ADP 5-0, The Operations Process.
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